I just tried out the 1.14.0rc3 release and tried r...
# general
I just tried out the 1.14.0rc3 release and tried running all my python tests and discovered that it couldn’t resolve a bunch of my dependencies (running on a mac) because I don’t have dependencies matching
. Running on 1.13.0 I have these dependencies found but they’re reporting all kinds of different macosx levels:
(noticeable absent is
) I’m not entirely sure how I should resolve this, as previously all these dependencies were transparently compiled (and I’m guessing still are since I did a
./pants clean-all
before starting). Any suggestions for how to work with this? I also tried running my tests under 1.14.0rc2 and it all works there so I’m going to take a wild stab in the dark and assume that it’s related to https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/7156
To clarify, are you running OSX 10.14? Could you please post a Gist/Pastebin with the error?
I am, I’m working on a getting a gist with all of it. For some reason I keep getting cached stuff so all my tests are passing 🙄
./pants clean-all
isn’t actually removing all the cached bits and bobs. Removed
but also not working. Just now I removed
to see if that’ll be clean enough
I couldn’t figure out how to clear the cache :x also deleted
but it still found cached versions, so I ended up just adding some newlines in a popular shared target and then it went and invalidated some things. Here’s a gist: https://gist.github.com/bjorn-spire/ef2eb4f9a09c67a450438c1a3f51cf87
Hm okay. Could you please explain how you’re setting up Pants, specifically your virtual environment? Do you use the setup script we give or a custom install? I suspect what’s happening is you have the Python 2 version of those wheels, but not the Python 3 ones set up. I’m not sure why this would have only recently started breaking - your link to that PR could be relevant indeed.
@lively-france-2777: to skip the cache, can pass
👍 2
❤️ 1
there is more information about this in the release notes: https://www.pantsbuild.org/notes-1.14.x.html#heading_rc_101 ... https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/7156 in particular.
the gist, though, should just be that if you are specifying a platform on a binary or in
, it will actually be used in "more cases"
I do specify platform on binaries (because binaries we only deploy on linux so I always build for that. I don’t have setup platform. I updated the gist with my pants.ini
I’m not entirely sure what you mean by how I set it up. I do have both py2 and py3 on this machine. I haven’t updated the
script and I’ve been using the same one since 1.4 or something. The setup is just, clear all caches and folders as I showed in the gist. then run
and let it autodetect all my pythons
Okay that’s helpful - you’re using the default setup.
Does adding
Copy code
path_by_id: {
  ('darwin', '17'): ['mac', '10.13'],
  ('darwin', '18'): ['mac', '10.13']}
to your pants.ini file help? I don't think the binaries for 10.14 have been uploaded yet.
started falling back to older releases where necessary, so that should not be an issue with the versions he is using
@lively-france-2777: if you open a ticket that describes what used to work and no longer does (ideally with a sketch at a repro) that would be helpful
has meant that some cases where we were requesting very old OSX broke, because we didn't have the wheels available for those cases
and it seems likely that that is what is happening here too...?
after two months I’ve finally gotten the time to look into this again and I’ve created a ticket with a minimal repro! https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/7616
🎉 1
❤️ minimal repros!