Hello everyone, I am Rushal from India. Came here ...
# general
Hello everyone, I am Rushal from India. Came here from
. Can someone guide me or let me know more about the project. simple smile
Hi there Rushal. Welcome! Are you interested in Pants as a potential user or as a a potential contributor? Either way, a great place to start is the docs. https://www.pantsbuild.org
Hello @hundreds-father-404 I mostly use python in my day to day life, so I am looking to contribute to it simple smile
Wonderful, we would love your help! Most of this project is written in Python, and some in Rust, so it sounds like you’d be a good fit. I’m looking for a good issue you could claim. In the meantime, it’d be helpful to read our contributing guide https://www.pantsbuild.org/howto_contribute.html and get the codebase set up
(Let us know if any of the guide or setup is confusing - in fact, that could be a great first PR!)
Thanks @hundreds-father-404 I'll look around and let you know 😉
Okay after talking to another maintainer, we think https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/7335 would be a great first issue! Really useful to our release process every week and one of the quicker issues. Let us know if you’re interested and we can help get you on the right track
👍 1
Thanks @hundreds-father-404 I am still looking into docs, as I haven't set it up the project locally. Will ask you if stucked somewhere.
💯 1
Hello @hundreds-father-404 there is an markdown typo in the docs. Can I get started with this for now. As I am not able to understand the issue you gave me 😅 Can you point me where can I find the docs section?
Good catch! Those docs are stored in the file `howto_contribute.md`: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/blob/master/src/docs/howto_contribute.md#ci-failing
And yeah the issue doesn’t have enough info atm to know where to begin. If you’re interested in working on it, we can give more direction! I’ll also move this to DM so less people get notifications.