Makes sense. The JVM and codegen backends are load...
# general
Makes sense. The JVM and codegen backends are loaded by default for historical reasons, but we've successfully set up repos that remove them entirely, and leave just Python support. In fact @hundreds-breakfast-49010 and I did this a couple of weeks ago as an exercise. Greg, do you still have the
for that repo?
👍 1
Nice! Thanks! I’ll keep an eye out for that
that I have is:
Copy code
pants_version: 1.17.0rc0

interpreter_constraints: ["CPython>=3.5"]
so it doesn't look like that has anything about removing the jvm, but yeah I do remember that coming up
Ah, not that, remember we did a python-only one. Did we not keep that around?
@gray-activity-4301 Trouble is I'm on vacation, and about to go off the grid for 5 days (trekking up Mt Kenya), so I can't get to this for at least another 10 days or so. However @hundreds-breakfast-49010 possibly you could recreate this? The idea would be to make an example python-only repo where the JVM and Codegen backends are disabled (you can see how we disabled the codegen backends in our own repo's pants.ini)
yeah I'll try to recreate it
I remember working with pants.ini, but yeah I can't find that repo on my systme, I wonder if we deleted it and re-created a new one immediately?