Let me know if there's a better channel to post th...
# general
Let me know if there's a better channel to post this question. If I were wanting to use a different version of yarn package manager, how would I point Pants to use a binary hosted at an endpoint such as
, where the
is specified in the Pants options like so?
Copy code
binaries_baseurls: +[

version: v1.17.3
The root of the issue is that Pants is expecting a specific folder structure
, and I'm wondering if there is a way to circumvent that.
Hm… not sure if there’s a way to pin that in the way you’re looking to, seems like we could update
similar to how we did for
in https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/commit/6739a81b6008274bfb4abd3436d9adb543a19e5a to permit it though
Yeah, similar functionality to that would work! Should I open a feature request / enhancement? And as a workaround, would using an internal binaries repo with the correct folder structure that we point to work or can you think of any complications to to that?
Yeah I’ve seen that work (patching the
repo for the a version not currently supported and point to that in your
A feature req would be helpful, but I haven’t dug into the
side in a bit so I could be missing something
Hrm, @average-cpu-49873 are you seeing an error when adding the
in your
I just tried specifying
there and saw things run as expected, same with a version I didn’t have installed previously (1.16.0) in my `pants.ini`:
Copy code
version: v1.17.3
My error is below and occurs when I
Copy code
21:44:31 [INFO] Attempting to fetch yarnpkg.tar.gz binary from: <https://binaries.pantsbuild.org/bin/yarnpkg/mac/10.13/v1.17.3/yarnpkg.tar.gz> ...
21:44:32 [INFO] Attempting to fetch yarnpkg.tar.gz binary from: <https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/releases/download/bin/yarnpkg/mac/10.13/v1.17.3/yarnpkg.tar.gz> ...

16:44:31 00:02       [install]
FAILURE: (u'Error resolving binary request BinaryRequest(supportdir=bin/yarnpkg, version=v1.17.3, name=yarnpkg, platform_dependent=True, external_url_generator=None, archiver=<pants.fs.archive.TarArchiver object at 0x10d388b90>): Failed to fetch yarnpkg.tar.gz binary from any source: (Failed to fetch binary from <https://binaries.pantsbuild.org/bin/yarnpkg/mac/10.13/v1.17.3/yarnpkg.tar.gz>: Fetch of <https://binaries.pantsbuild.org/bin/yarnpkg/mac/10.13/v1.17.3/yarnpkg.tar.gz> failed with status code 404, Failed to fetch binary from <https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/releases/download/bin/yarnpkg/mac/10.13/v1.17.3/yarnpkg.tar.gz>: Fetch of <https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/releases/download/bin/yarnpkg/mac/10.13/v1.17.3/yarnpkg.tar.gz> failed with status code 404)', BinaryNotFound(u'Failed to fetch yarnpkg.tar.gz binary from any source: (Failed to fetch binary from <https://binaries.pantsbuild.org/bin/yarnpkg/mac/10.13/v1.17.3/yarnpkg.tar.gz>: Fetch of <https://binaries.pantsbuild.org/bin/yarnpkg/mac/10.13/v1.17.3/yarnpkg.tar.gz> failed with status code 404, Failed to fetch binary from <https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/releases/download/bin/yarnpkg/mac/10.13/v1.17.3/yarnpkg.tar.gz>: Fetch of <https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/releases/download/bin/yarnpkg/mac/10.13/v1.17.3/yarnpkg.tar.gz> failed with status code 404)',))
I was at Pants v1.11.0, but I also tried at v1.18.0.dev0 and got the same error. I’m also setting the following config for node:
Copy code
version: v12.7.0
package_manager: yarn
eslint_config: app/web/.eslintrc
👍 1
Got it, thanks. I’m now seeing it elsewhere - curious that it didn’t cause issue on my mac
👍 1
That was fast, and looks like exactly what I need. 😄 Thank you!
metal 1