Did another test with `repl` ``` xxx@yyy:~/zzz$ ....
# general
Did another test with
Copy code
xxx@yyy:~/zzz$ ./pants repl zirak/src/python/example:hello2
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In [1]: import sys
In [2]: [k for k in sys.modules.keys() if "jinja2" in k]
Question is how does these modules get populated?
The answer is complicated. It probably makes most sense to open an issue and include your
./pants --version
as well as output of
PEX_VERBOSE=9 ./pants repl zirak/src/python/example:hello2
. The
env car should produce alot of logging that makes more clear what is going on. In particular, PEX, which pants uses for the repl environment, should isolate that environment from your dev environment even though it's apparently not doing so. The PE_VERBOSE output will help pinpoint the leak is, as you expect, in your local dev environment.
Thanks for reply, I opened an issue with more details: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/8557
Indeed a pex issue, I think. The
(https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex/blob/master/pex/pex.py#L184-L203) will drop the tainted packages but keep the tainted modules which are not packages (
in this case)