Hi, I'm trying to build a pex that references a `p...
# general
Hi, I'm trying to build a pex that references a
and getting this. Whats the best way to debug it?
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Exception message: Package SourcePackage(u'file:///aiq/build/.pants.d/python-setup/resolved_requirements/CPython-2.7.6/mysqlclient-1.4.6.tar.gz') is not translateable by ChainedTranslator(WheelTranslator, EggTranslator, SourceTranslator)
doesnt tell me much. I do have a build cache but disabled it, and
is only pointing to a local dir with only that wheel. And this works fine:
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pip wheel --no-cache-dir mysqlclient==1.4.6 --wheel-dir=./
pip install ./mysqlclient-xxx-none-linux.whl
I'm on ubuntu14 and ub18 and noticed in one case, it builds a
wheel, in another case it builds
. But fails to
pants1.7 binary :mypex
in both cases.
What version of pants are you on?
Try running with PEX_VERBOSE=9 PEX_DEBUG=9 (I forget which is relevant here) in your environment, that may give something useful.
That worked! (I mean, still fails, but gave me info to debug further). Thanks. I suppose I should have checked the pex docs, not the pants docs. FYI I'm on 1.7, does newer pants make
get passed on to each various goal?