Hello all, I am trying to move my project to pants...
# general
Hello all, I am trying to move my project to pants. We are using a private repo (cloudrepo) for some of our python packages. I tried to point to this repo having the credentials in the URL, but it looks like pants is ignoring them I filed an issue, but I wonder if you guys can give me some pointers? https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/8971 running
./pants -ldebug binary src/target
shows a mix of HTTP 200 and HTTP 401 replies from cloudrepo:
Copy code
17:32:43 [DEBUG] urllib3.connectionpool:pid=80884: <https://xxxx.mycloudrepo.io:443> "GET /repositories/prod/test-lib/ HTTP/1.1" 200 1029
17:32:43 [DEBUG] urllib3.connectionpool:pid=80884: <https://xxxx.mycloudrepo.io:443> "GET /repositories/prod/test-lib/test-lib-0.1.0rc2.tar.gz HTTP/1.1" 401 52