Hi what’s the plan to update to `pex 2.x` for pan...
# general
Hi what’s the plan to update to
pex  2.x
for pantsbuild? There are more and more libraries dropping python2 support for their latest version and pants will resolve to the latest version for many transitive dependencies (which is not pinned in BUILD) even for python2 target, then we get errors like:
Copy code
Exception message: Package SourcePackage('file:///home/bpierce/github.robot.car/cruise/ark/.pants.d/python-setup/resolved_requirements/CPython-2.7.17/grpcio-1.27.0.tar.gz') is not translateable by ChainedTranslator(WheelTranslator, EggTranslator, SourceTranslator)
We can pin the transitive dependencies in our BUILD file to workaround the issue for now.
would read the history in the #pex room, and repeat your question there probably
@calm-artist-46894: but: have you considered pining the version? you can still do that.
by explicitly specifying it.
We can pin the transitive dependencies in our BUILD file to workaround the issue for now.
that’s what we are doing now
ah, sorry.
🙂 1
that is, in general, a good idea 😃
My understanding is pex 2.x fix the issue by vendoring the packaging resolving logic to pip; so if pants update to pex 2.x, then the issue would be gone?
pip will not prevent floating versions from causing you issues
(lockfiles and pining will!)
We are working on lockfile support, should have a proposal up soon.
Re pip not preventing floating versions from causing issues, I think pip handles python version constraints better than pex 1.x does?
The pex 2.x upgrade is very close, as well. Will check on exact status,.