within the test ? I’ve tried two ways - `psutil.Po...
# general
within the test ? I’ve tried two ways -
psutil.Popen('./pants run {target}', shell=True)
psutil.Popen([os.getcwd() + '/pants', 'run', '{target}'])
For the sake of debugging, it might help to start by trying to get it working directly on the command line, rather than using
. Once you get that working, then switch to
is a little distracting from the underlying issue
the binary runs fine, are you suggesting i try to run coverage on the executable manually ?
To clarify: is the
Copy code
Exception: ModuleNotFoundError("No module named '__pants_backend_python_tasks_pytest_prep_coverage_plugin__'",)
error happening within your subprocess, or just during the test which uses the subprocess?
it’s happening in the test, I believe I’ve tried doing what pytest-cov does manually (as far as I understand, set
and then in my initialization routine invoke
), but I can try that again and see what happens
are you suggesting i try to run coverage on the executable manually ?
I mean try running
./pants run target
directly on the command line. Is that working? If so, but it doesn’t work with
, then we know the issue has something to do with
rather than an underlying issue with the call to Pants
the target standalone runs without any issues, the issue is when pytest-cov tries to start running coverage on the subprocess, which is what i could try explicitly doing myself
You should not need to call coverage directly.
that’s true if the process is started within a situation where coverage is already running, if i just
./pants run
, I believe coverage doesn’t get invoked
Are you trying to get coverage to run when running
./pants run target
inside of a test?
I would not expect that to work.
sort of, to clarify, i’m running an integration test, and need to run the code being profiled in a separate process outside the test itself
according to pytest-cov and coverage itself, as long as the environment is carried over from process to process, and coverage is available in the environment of the target, it “should work”
so i guess that leaves two questions, is the environment carried over from the environment of
./pants run
to the executable it creates ?
and secondly, is there any reason to believe the target environment shouldn’t include the coverage module
The target environment likely does not include the coverage module as it is not a test.
to be clear, running the test in this fashion and running coverage on it does work correctly if I use pytest
I tried setting it as a dependency in the BUILD file
i think that’s when i ended up with version mismatch issues
how do i set what version of coverage/pytest-cov is used? I have coverage and pytest-cov as 3rdparty requirements, and I’m also pinning their versions in pants.ini [plugins]
sorry if these are all bizarre questions, been staring at this for too long and on little sleep now!
It's all good, I'm just trying to understand what you're doing and how we can help.
I would not expect pants' custom coverage plugin to be available when you run
./pants run target
, which explains the
"No module named '__pants_backend_python_tasks_pytest_prep_coverage_plugin__'"
For the version matching issue, I know how to set that in V2 (in a PR that hasn't landed yet) but I'm trying to figure out how to do it in V1. I believe it may be dictated by the version of pytest you're using.
since this an inherited codebase i’m working on, i’ve noticed there’s some settings in pants.ini that i don’t quite understand and can’t find docs for -
Copy code
pants_version: 1.21.0

plugins: +[
I’ve tried setting packages here (had run into a no module coverage issue, and if i include it here it seems to work) and here -
Copy code
requirements: pytest==3.6.4
cov_requirements: pytest-cov==2.5.1
i’ll admit these are out of date packages, but i’ve also tried updating pants, pytest and coverage separately and still have the issue of coverage not being initialized properly on the subprocess
so here’s another question, what version of pytest, coverage etc. is set in the “default pants environment”, aka, can i mirror those package versions within a 3rd party dependency and just manually include/invoke it in the subprocess
are those the pants.ini settings i posted above ?
When you run this with pytest and it works, are you still executing pants in a subprocess?
when it works with pytest, i’m not using pants in the subprocess.
when i tried with pytest -> pants subprocess it timed out
but i can extend that possibly and see what happens, but i think the “no module named coverage” error happens then also
yeah, so it looks like the most reliable error is that the custom pants wrapper around coverage is not available in the environment of the executable
hence this error -
pytest-cov: Failed to setup subprocess coverage. Environ: {'COV_CORE_SOURCE': 'modules:cc:cc.imagen_cc.devices.middleware:cc.imagen_cc.devices.lib:<http://cc.imagen_cc.devices.cc|cc.imagen_cc.devices.cc>', 'COV_CORE_CONFIG': '/Users/sameermoidu/code/mordor/.pants.d/test/pytest/cc.imagen_test.devices.middleware.test_e2e/tmp9bgkk2hp', 'COV_CORE_DATAFILE': '/Users/sameermoidu/code/mordor/.coverage'} Exception: ModuleNotFoundError("No module named '__pants_backend_python_tasks_pytest_prep_coverage_plugin__'",)
I have some answers, I think. The pants.ini values you're seeing should be the ones that are being used. You can also pass these on the command line: with
BUT: these things are only available when you are running
./pants test
they are not available in the environment when you
./pants run
The custom pants coverage plugin is loaded only when pants sets up a pytest environment
makes sense generally, so if i use a pex or something i’ll run into the same issue
I believe so.
ok, i was trying to figure out how the pants integration tests run
but it seems that they may not use coverage ?
or at least i can’t figure out if they do/how they do
I'm not sure that what you're attempting is currently possible with pants. If you can run your binary with something other than
./pants run
from within your integration test you may get the behavior you're looking for.
hmm, ok
To clarify for myself, it sounds like you have an integration test that happens to fork out to
./pants run
and you want to run coverage on that
./pants run
yes, as supported by pytest-cov and coverage
I see, so you're actually not directly using the coverage support in
./pants test
but setting up coverage manually yourself in your
./pants run
well, i’m setting the options in ./pants test, i just want that to include the data from the subprocess
But you want the resulting coverage results to be merged back in with pants's regular
./pants test
yeah, basically
Test runs are very isolated, by design, so I don't think you can make this happen with env vars.
👍 1
yeah, pytest-cov does some crazy crap to get this to work, but i think pants does somethings to further isolate than standard python
And are you able to get coverage data when you run your process, but you can't make
./pants test
pick it up and merge it into the test's coverage? Is that an accurate representation of the problem?
yes, something is generated, i haven’t taken a look at what exactly to be honest
I.e., your forked process does in fact produce a coverage file, but Pants doesn't do anything with it, and you want it to?
We could add support for that in v2, I suspect
i’ve mostly been focused on trying to get the merged thing to work since it seems easiest
but i could probably create a separate .coverage file and merge myself
Have your process drop coverage files in some well-known location
but pants doesn’t seem to generate .coverage files, i just see html and xml
or i’m looking in the wrong place ?
It generates them, but only internally
They are buried in
perhaps the best thing to do is try and find those files, do the merge myself with coverage and then use that
first thing is either running the process outside ./pants or somehow getting coverage included in that environment
In the short term that's probably right
ok, that’s a good starting point, thanks
But this is great feedback, we can probably provide this as a feature in v2
Of note: running
coverage combine
files will delete the
files. I suggest copying them to some other location before doing your merge
👍 1
ok, is there some failsafe way to find the .coverage files ?
aka, scriptable
In v1 I am not sure, sorry 😞
another coverage question … for a non subprocess/crazy scenario, what i’m seeing is that when i run
./pants test {target} — --cov=targetdir --
pretty much nothing is recorded (init files are 100% and everything else is more or less 0) Then, I switched to trying to supply coverage targets via --test-pytest-coverage=modules:, and then frequently modules that I know for a fact are included don’t get any hits. Any guidance on the best approach here ?
I’ve also noticed that if I have some modules that should be detected, depending on how i specify the --coverage param, they may or may not be properly captured. for example
produces different results