Did v2 deprecate python-repos-repos by any chance?...
# general
Did v2 deprecate python-repos-repos by any chance? Seems it's not resolving stuff in my ./wheelhouse/ anymore when trying to build python binaries as of 1.26.0 after flipping v2=true.
Hello! It wasn’t deprecated; we were not correctly wiring up the option in 1.26.0 with the V2 implementation. This was fixed in 1.27.0.dev3. If possible, you’d want to upgrade to 1.27.0rc0 or 1.28.0.dev0
Also, if you haven’t seen them yet, we recommend using a rewrite of the docs at https://pants.readme.io/docs/welcome-to-pants. Still a work in progress, but they are nicer to read and talk more about how to use the V2 version of Pants with Python
Aha. Thought I was losing it. Thank you for clarifying. Will try to get 1.27.0rc0 working.
No, it’s a very important feature that we intend to keep supporting. Awesome, please let us know if we can help with the upgrade at all 🙂 or if you run into any issues or have general feedback. Are you using any languages other than Python?
Just python for now with some intent around Java in the near future. Also trying to wire up the new fmt stuff the new way. So I'm sure you'll hear from me in the future.
Awesome. Check out https://pants.readme.io/docs/python-linters-and-formatters and https://pants.readme.io/docs/python-fmt-goal for more on how to set up the 6 supported formatters and linters. With Java, we’re considering that being the next language to add V2 support to. Good to know that that would be useful.
Where is "Exceeded timeout of 900s for local process execution, Resolving ..." set. Can't for the life of me find the right timeout in --help-all --help-advanced. Or anything defaulted to 900, or 15.
(we have some beefy targets)
@witty-crayon-22786 you changed the timeout behavior recently, right? Is that in 1.28.0.dev0, or going in the dev release today? @numerous-fall-96475 what command are you running? Sorry for that negative experience! The time to resolve requirements is one of the sore points of the V2 implementation that we are prioritizing fixing. Part of the issue is it taking longer than we’d expect (bug), and another is the results of one resolve not carrying over to other resolves (new feature). Once the resolve happens, the cache means that you won’t ever need to do it again, until changing one of your 3rd party requirements, at least.
landed wednesday, so it will go out today
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./pants binary src/python/ml:: (heaps of targets, all involving tensorflow2 and other huge packages). Is there a disable timeouts option for it?
👍 1
Got it. In the current releases, unfortunately not. But the release today will remove that timeout. I’ll check in if we can do the release earlier today / nowish
Thank you. You guys are immensely helpful.
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