Any ideas how to implement <
# general
Any ideas how to implement properly? (as what i tried didn't work)
so, that relates to something else that we need to nail down. IMO: we should not be rendering the stdout/stderr output for successful runs by default. but fixing it would require adding an option to control the behavior.
even if you didn't do it in successful runs the problem i'm hitting would be relevant in failed runs...
admittedly, your changes might significantly impact how wherever the thing i want to go goes (and at this point i have no idea where that is)
Also, personally, i'd prefer a
|uniq -c
or something
i don't need to see 1000 identical lines in a row, whether or not a run is successful.
but, such a thing probably should also be flag managable
agreed. we have near term plans to improve this, which @hundreds-breakfast-49010 will be working on. we’re going to be changing the output model fairly substantially.
so yea, probably best not to focus too much on that case.
should i just file an issue / two / talk to @hundreds-breakfast-49010 / leave this alone?
This seemed like a possible entrypoint for me learning how plugins work so i could try to write one for my tool. but it seems like it isn't...
@fancy-summer-52431 this looks like it might be the result of a terminal output bug I'm in the middle of working on fixing
👍 1
@fancy-summer-52431: i think we can drop this one for now: it will already be changing
@hundreds-breakfast-49010: it’s not… we render one line per target. we might continue to do that (ie, one line per completing workunit), or not… depending
@fancy-summer-52431 Maybe not the best entry point, but we're happy to help you figure out how to write a plugin via some other path.
@happy-kitchen-89482: 🙂 so I have which I use to find spelling errors. Ideally I'd like others to be able to use something like it.
I guess the starting point is... how can I easily wrap
for pants? -- preferably w/o having to fork the repository.
We should have documentation for how to write a plugin up soon, I'd suggest waiting for that and then hopefully it should be relatively clear...
And if it's not, that would be great feedback for us to have!