yall mention v1 vs v2 quite a bit, but does that r...
# general
yall mention v1 vs v2 quite a bit, but does that refer to any specific release version? or just to two different versions that exist together in the same codebase but refer to different styles and codepaths?
V1 and V2 refer to the #engine that backs
. I believe the V2 engine is destined to replace the V1 engine when it has sufficient features. Currently V2 only supports python code which is why both engines need to live side by side for now.
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https://pants.readme.io/docs/contributions-rust indirectly talks about the architectural change.
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Exactly what @jolly-midnight-72759 said. the v1 engine is pants' traditional execution engine written in python, the v2 engine is the new execution engine written in rust
we're actively developing the v2 engine, but right now it doesn't support languages other than python. this will hopefully change in the near future
both engines currently live in the same codebase. you can use the
options to toggle them on/off. the
script in the pants repo is a thin wrapper around running
./pants --v2 --no-v1
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Hey Josh! Good point. I’m going to work today and possibly tomorrow on a page in https://pants.readme.io/docs describing the difference
Hey @flat-zoo-31952, check out https://pants.readme.io/docs/pants-v1-vs-v2. Any feedback appreciated 🙂 Thanks for the suggestion!
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yes! that's really helpful...especially knowing that i can mix the two versions for now
if there's one thing that i could suggest it's just to make a note that v1 and v2 have nothing to do with the overall pants version, and refer the different engines within the same codebase
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Awesome! Someone in a hacker news post mentioned Pants yesterday and suggested a page describing Pants new architecture. We’ll work on that soon
Ah, good point. And the confusing thing is that we’re actively discussing when the version Pants 2.0 comes out. Confusing
i would adopt some terminology like "v1 = legacy engine" vs "v2 = accelerated engine" or something like that
but that's just an off-hand suggestion
Agreed, I wish we had used legacy engine. At this point, we’re so close to removing the legacy engine that it might be confusing to rename. But worth considering
Anyways. Let us know if you have a chance to try our mixed mode and if you have any feedback! One of the exciting things about this redesign is that it’s made it much easier to iterate rapidly on feedback
awesome! i'm doing an evaluation run this week, so i think i need to stick with that to finish my PoC, but after that i'll definitely give the newer versions a try!
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