This was the line-of-code count at 1.30.x: ```----...
# general
This was the line-of-code count at 1.30.x:
Copy code
Language                         files          blank        comment           code
Python                            1263          33524          32506         130671
Rust                               127           6434           5401          48813
Java                               313           2516           2579          11049
Markdown                           119           2623              0           7405
JSON                                42             28              0           4362
Scala                               89            544            599           2578
Mustache                            30            106             21           1286
Protocol Buffers                    42            522           3169           1067
Bourne Shell                        22            238            150            953
TOML                                30            101             99            914
CSS                                  4            114             52            832
JavaScript                          53            105             67            648
Maven                                8             16              5            617
XML                                 36             34             63            522
Go                                  12             29              9            138
C++                                  5             29             14             92
INI                                  3             10              0             72
NAnt script                          4             16              0             72
C/C++ Header                         8             21              0             51
YAML                                 1              4              6             26
Windows Resource File                1              8              0             23
Cucumber                             2              3              0             20
C                                    4              4              0             10
Bourne Again Shell                   2              2              0             10
SUM:                              2220          47031          44740         212231
And this is it now: