Any ideas on what might cause this error? ```+ ./p...
# general
Any ideas on what might cause this error?
Copy code
+ ./pants test :: --tag=-integration --tag=aiohttp3
/root/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Linux-x86_64/1.8.0rc0/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cryptography/ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 2 is no longer supported by the Python core team. Support for it is now deprecated in cryptography, and will be removed in a future release.
Exception caught: (<class 'pants.build_graph.address_lookup_error.AddressLookupError'>)

Exception message: Build graph construction failed: MappingError Failed to parse documentation/api/BUILD:
name 'node_module' is not defined
Huh, this is on Pants 1.8.0rc0, right? I’m afk but would suspect that the Node contrib plugin either isn’t activated or didn’t have
at the time I thought y’all were on more recent Pants?
I'm unfortunately waiting for a third party to update code in order for us to complete the upgrade. I think I might just wait for that to officially drop to continue. Was just curious if it might be an easy fix.
Got it. Was this working before?
It was yes. I am updating our python version now from 3.6.9 -> 3.6.11 and this popped up during that change. I think I will wait for our pants upgrade to complete, since that might fix this and is where we want to be anyway.
That’s really weird that it broke. I wouldn’t expect that. Is that locally or in CI? One thing you could try is to delete ~/.cache/pants/setup. Maybe ~/.cache/pants/plugins too
can pass
to see if you get any more hints
👍 1
Hey Connor, any update on this one?
did not show any extra information. I did not attempt to remove the cache, since we run in a docker container and it should have built those from scratch. I'm pushing the update to 1.26 today (yay) and will get back to testing this either this afternoon or on Monday. So I should have some more information shortly.
🤞 1
Okay, fingers crossed! Let us know if we can help in any way with the 1.26 upgrade. 1.25 was a big one with
being removed, but also lots of improvements like being able to use file arguments
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Pants 1.26 fixed the issue! Hooray for upgrading 🎉
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