I remember someone saying pants2 doesn’t support g...
# general
I remember someone saying pants2 doesn’t support go, is that something on the roadmap?
Only in the most general sense that we'd like to restore support for popular languages that we lost in the transition (Go, Scala, Java). Although the current committers are focused on other things we'll always make time to shepherd contributions if you're motivated to move things along. This would be a big undertaking, but a much more manageable one in Pants 2. A place to start is gathering requirements in an umbrella issue: i.e.: "`./pants binary src/go/app/cmd/foo/main.go` should X", etc. Any contribution you could provide towards that end would be wonderful.
oh scala isn’t supported yet either? Are there docs on how to build these integrations (not committing, just curious)
We have docs on how to write a plugin: https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/plugins-overview. There is also an example repository that builds a bash plugin: https://github.com/pantsbuild/example-plugin.