hey folks! we’re kicking off a prioritization effo...
# general
hey folks! we’re kicking off a prioritization effort today to help guide the project post 2.0! whether you are a past, present, or future Pants user, we need your feedback!: https://groups.google.com/g/pants-devel/c/XMjiqAGITtI/m/6wjMvU_LAQAJ … this is a great opportunity to help get your blocker prioritized, or put a finishing touch on something that is nagging at you!
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submit as many times as you’d like: we’re looking for all ideas, and repeating stuff that is or isn’t already in github is 100% fine
submissions are very short (280 characters!), and we’ll triage all of them after they’re received, so no need to worry about submitting “the perfect idea”: all ideas are helpful!
also a great candidate here is languages that you’d like to see supported! we’ve heard feedback recently about JVM languages (Java primarily), but what else would people like to use?
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twenty responses! awesome. keep em coming folks!
more than 30 responses! thanks a ton. please keep submitting any changes that you’d like to see. this is the list of ideas so far, so if you see something missing, we’d love to know!: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfS-lhMigqvJjBh3TcgEO7yGr4pumPR5IsCuLS2c7VG33Jnbg/viewanalytics
37 responses! thank you everyone. please continue to submit things as you think of them.
if there isn’t a big uptick in responses, we’ll probably close Round One on wednesday
hey folks! submissions are now closed! we’ll open up voting on all submissions tomorrow morning, but for now: please take a look at the github issues that have been created, and help to make sure that they accurately represent what you’d like to see! https://groups.google.com/g/pants-devel/c/XMjiqAGITtI/m/KLvkv1AqAQAJ
alright! it’s time for the most important part: everyone please take as much time as you’d like to score the submitted ideas. you do not have to score all of them. https://forms.gle/1prYtY3oW2V219TUA votes are anonymous, but you do need to log in for Quality Purposes. get your voice heard, and help the project prioritize the next few months!
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this effort is finally completed! thanks for your participation: https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C046T6T9U/p1611681423037700