In V1 versions of pants I am running pytest unit t...
# general
In V1 versions of pants I am running pytest unit tests. They seem to run much quicker than in the V2 engine. what used to take 5-6 min now takes 30+. Most of the time is spent building pex files. Is there some option that I am missing here? I do not see any options in the pytest or test options that would help here
Hey Brian, have you set up a constraints file? It allows you to use a single resolve for all tests.
You can use the script at the bottom of the page to generate the file
Ah thank you! I didnt realize I had to have the constraints in order for this to only resolve once. That should definately help. thank you.
You’re welcome! We’re also working on some other approaches to reduce the amount of times you need to resolve things, particularly when running
./pants package
, which intentionally doesn’t use this single resolve so that you have smaller binaries created
Awesome! Looking forward to those improvements
both very high priorities for us.
👍 2