I've been wondering, is there any video available ...
# general
I've been wondering, is there any video available to help new people understand how to do monorepo dependency management?
I want to be able to create a new project inside of the monorepo and be able to import that project.
From what I've seen it seems possible, though I can't fully reason through how to make that happen.
There isn't a video, but this is a great idea for documentation, a blog post, and/or a video.
What you're trying to do is certainly possible, and indeed a very common use-case.
If it's hard to reason through then that tells me that our documentation needs improvement.
One initial thing to reason about is source roots: https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/source-roots
Welcome! +1 on the source roots page. It shows 3 different example repo layouts at the bottom
I love your enthusiasm and willingness to help me on a Sunday. This doc gives me a perfect start. I'd like to add that it would be extremely useful to add a video or set of animations like VScode's documentation to showcase the use of the configurations details inside of an IDE. Perhaps separate it entirely in the user guide as a tutorial or feature instead of under concepts. I'm slightly biased towards VSCode's docs because of the appeal to the visual nature in me combined with a reduction of nested features.
Saying more than necessary here, though creating a full series in your documentation would be beyond helpful. The getting started is useful, though understanding how to setup a dev workflow is hard to reason though. To give you some idea, my goal is to create a development workflow this week with the following additions: 1. Create a top-level monorepo with Pants 2. Create a sub-project using a single command that can be imported into other projects. I'd like this sub-project to use
as I love how poetry does its package management. 3. The sub-projects includes: utils, serverless functions (openfaas and nuclio personally), web services (python, rust and front-end), and a Kubernetes. 4. As I'm writing code I can import from one of the other sub-packages. For instance, I can foresee this being useful when pulling from one of the util libraries to use between projects. 5. When I run a build all of the python code just works as it should. 6. I'd like to start a service to test that things work the way they're supposed to. 7. I assume I'd have to create plugins for this, but I'd likely want to deploy my Kubernetes serverless functions to kubernetes using a developed plugin.
The goal is to eventually get everything working with
to deploy the code using
. All instead of using jenkins directly. That way I could foresee my codebase being extremely simplified.