Re-posting here for activity: How would I go about...
# general
Re-posting here for activity: How would I go about installing poetry using Pants plugins if it uses a python file to work? A large part of me is thinking of automating this using good ol' http libraries and
to make it work.
I'll just run through the walkthrough I missed the first time until I get it. I think it would make the documentation more potent if these things were brought more attention. I keep coming back to VSCode, though I love their straight forward side bars and uses of GIFs to showcase their API.
Thanks for the feedback! We could definitely improve the documentation on many aspects of the API.
Re installing poetry, there is an easy mechanism for installing python requirements for use as tools.
I'm AFK right now, but will post links to examples tomorrow or Friday, if that's OK.
I found the solutions last night. It would be helpful to make them more front and center on the sidebar.
Yeah, we definitely need to add more information to the plugin API docs, and make them more navigable. Meanwhile, let us know if you encounter any more roadblocks! We're happy to help figure those out, and it also helps us prioritize our documentation work.