Hi everyone. Enjoying Pants so far, threw together...
# general
Hi everyone. Enjoying Pants so far, threw together a monorepo for Python modules pretty quickly using the v2 engine. I'm running into an intellisense issue that is making it pretty difficult to work with though. I'm using VS Code, for reference. What does everyone here use or suggest?
I use vs code too. I haven't come up with a solution I love but I've found one that works okay: I maintain a virtualenv with the full contents of
installed, and point vscode to that interpreter
for the source, i use this:
Copy code
09:09:07 $ cat .vscode/settings.json 
    "python.pythonPath": "/home/jrloc/.virtualenvs/auto1-py38/bin/python",
    "python.envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/dev.env",
    "python.terminal.activateEnvInCurrentTerminal": true
sets up some environment variables that make this work, like you can set
to whatever you need it to be
this works well for code completion it seems, but i haven't gotten debugger support to work (although I haven't tried much)
The biggest tip I have for this is to have a mult-root workspace
I was just about to post about this.