Hello everyone, the project I'm working on is usin...
# general
Hello everyone, the project I'm working on is using pants 1.5.0. As I know, when I run the command ./pants -version for the first time, the Python environment for pants will be set up in ~/.cache/pants/. It works for a long time. But now I encounter a problem when trying to build by pants in a new Mac. The error is Exception message: Could not satisfy all requirements for cffi==1.11.1: cffi==1.11.1(from: pantsbuild.pants.contrib.go==1.5.0->pantsbuild.pants==1.5.0), cffi>=1.12(from: pantsbuild.pants.contrib.go==1.5.0->pyopenssl==17.3.0->cryptography>=1.9) I found this is caused by the upgrading of cryptography from 2.4.2 to 3.3.1 My quesiton is that, can I make the pants fetch cryptography in a fixed version (say, 2.4.2) when I setup the pants in a new Mac? Many thanks in advance!
Hello! To check, do you have cryptography in the plugins option in pants.ini? What is the full entry for that option?
This might be related to running Pants on a different Python version? Are you using the system python, or did you install a specific version (say using pyenv or brew)?
Hi @hundreds-father-404, thank you for your response! pyOpenSSL-17.3.0 is used and cryptography is required by pyOpenSSL, but "requires": ["cryptography (>=1.9)". so the version of cryptography may vary when there's a new upgrade available
Hi @happy-kitchen-89482, thank you. Yes, there's python (2.7) in my Mac but I think pants is using the python environment bootstrap by itself (located in ~/.cache/pants/)
Okay, did y'all write a Pants plugin and it uses cryptography? Otherwise, normally the plugins section would only include the pants contrib libraries. I'm trying to understand what that's being used for.
No, I did not write any plugin. we just use pants to build jar package. I find the pyOpenSSL in /Users/kun.he/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Darwin-x86_64/pants.iHBHhp/install/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyOpenSSL-17.3.0.dist-info but we did not use OpenSSL/cryptography explicitly.
Ah okay, I see.
was a requirement for Pants in 1.5, which is why that’s being pulled in - not because you set the
option. Two things to try: 1. In the
script, there’s a line that says something like these https://github.com/pantsbuild/setup/blob/69351495867bd555a76b4a523f816b66acb8506f/pants#L264-L265. They’ll be slightly different because you’re using an older version of the script. Add
before the
, meaning you’d tell pip to install that before installing Pants. 2. If that fails, you can set up a constraints file. Create a file at the top level called
, with one entry
. Then, change those two lines from earlier to say
-c _pants_constraints.txt
thank you @hundreds-father-404! I try to add the ryptography==2.4.2 to pants requirements and it works. Now ryptography 2.4.2 is fetched to the setup directory.
Great! By the way, we've made a ton of substantial improvements to pants the past 3 years since pants 1.5, including a feature called dependency inference that cuts down BUILD file boilerplate by about 90%. https://blog.pantsbuild.org/dependency-inference/ Would y'all be interested in incrementally upgrading to more recent versions of Pants? We're happy to help support where possible
Yes, I'm planning upgrade it to the latest version to avoid such lagacy problems. Thank you gain!
Awesome! Check out https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/upgrade-tips for some tips on upgrades
One more question @hundreds-father-404 one of my colleagues found the pants plugin for IntellijIDEA 2020.3 is no longer available. Is there any suggestion to make the latest IntellijIDEA to support pants? Thanks!
Check out the #intellij channel. I don't think Twitter is actively maintaining the plugin anymore iiuc :/ We're trying to figure out what IDE support will look like in newer pants versions
Thank you @hundreds-father-404 for so much help to me!
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