hey, just ran into this: 1. When I run a test tha...
# general
hey, just ran into this: 1. When I run a test that has failures the failing test that uses the testing.postgresql module the test hangs 2. When I run that same test with
then it completes. albeit with the test failures 3. When I get the tests to pass running w/out
Hey Nate. Hm, are you only running a single test file every time? A main difference between
is that it runs one test at-a-time in the foreground, whereas
runs multiple in parallel. But if you only have one test file you're running, that's irrelevant
i was running pants test :: when i noticed it
i then tried to run that individual test and it hung
the testing.postgresql module forks a postgres server
i was running pants test :: when i noticed it
This could be contention. Are they all accessing the same database? How is that database created?
i then tried to run that individual test and it hung
Depending on how the database is created, I wonder if there was a process running independently of Pants that was hung
i just ran a test, i did notice multiple postgres instances running so i killed them all. Then i ran that individual test only w/out --test-debug. It’s now hanging. There are two postgres procs running
Copy code
jenkins+ 22261     1  0 13:15 pts/0    00:00:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/postgres -p 56931 -D /tmp/tmpjJ1Xkj/data -k /tmp/tmpjJ1Xkj/tmp -h -F -c logging_collector=off
jenkins+ 22287     1  0 13:15 pts/0    00:00:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/postgres -p 56647 -D /tmp/tmpROxmct/data -k /tmp/tmpROxmct/tmp -h -F -c logging_collector=off
Any chance you can reproduce this in a sample repo? I would love to figure this out.
i’ll try to get something up with the testing.postgresql module
Hey @helpful-lunch-92084, just wondering if you have anything we can look at for this? Thanks!
oh yah, i’ll try to whip something up today
Not urgent, but would like to solve for you and other users that will likely have the same issue. Thanks!
hey @happy-kitchen-89482
so i created a test that demonstrates the issue
but i don’t think it’s a pants issue per se
👀 1
seems to occur on py2 only
🐍 1
and with unittest’s setUpClass
anyway, if you’re curious, here’s a patch you could apply to the pants repo locally to validate, i had to enable py2 stuff and disable some constraints stuff to get py2 working
in our repo we didn’t have the timeout_default set. that will work for us as a workaround for now
So to clarify, this works with Python 3?
I had assumed this was an issue with Pants, but if it works with Python3, it may be more of an issue with older pytest, as you suggest.
I'll take a look