hey so just wanna give a big thanks to all of the ...
# general
hey so just wanna give a big thanks to all of the pants devs for all their help. We’ve hit a few roadblocks over the past several weeks, especially with the 2020-resolver (in which I even submitted a bug report about it not working for py2). There was a moment of despair last week when requirements building times were very slow, like unacceptably slow. After further investigation, it turns out the slowness was with the py2 2020-resolver. Curiously enough, with the same set of requirements, the py3 2020-resolver was just as fast as py2+legacy-resolver. To give a few numbers of a cold cache startup time • Pants v1.25 Baseline 1m47.436s • Pants v2.2.0 PY2 + 2020-resolver 5m14.671s • Pants v2.2.0 PY2 + legacy_resolver 0m56.745s • Pants v2.2.0 PY3 + 2020-resolver 0m58.757s • Pants v2.2.0 PY3 + legacy-resolver 0m59.575s While 5m might not seem too bad (this ^^ was for a relatively simple package, some of our bigger pydata type packages were taking 30m+ to resolve!) After much hand-wringing, the solution was to use the legacy-resolver plus the global constraints file. Using the global constraints file meant bumping incompatible dependencies in various project code and doing a bunch of botocore version manipulations (aioboto3+aiobotocore+boto3+botocore have very awkward pin ranges amongst themselves). We view the legacy-resolver + constraints as a bridge to get us immediately on pantsv2 and then from there update our code completely to py3 so we can jump onto the 2020-resolver. (I haven’t done further py3+2020-resolver testing on larger packages so there is definitely an assumption I’m making here, and it could be the dependencies in that test target just required less backtracking for py3) In any case, what was taking 31m on a 16 core build server to test-the-world on a cold start with the 2020-resolver now with (legacy-resolver + constraints) takes 6m. And with a warm start we can test-the-world in under 2m. This is huge. We can literally test everything on every commit if we wanted to instead of doing incremental tests. And I imagine we can further reduce that time on beefier machines due to the parallelism of v2. So, big thanks to you all for all the work you put into v2!
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wow, wild! Thanks for the update
We can literally test everything on every commit if we wanted to instead of doing incremental tests.
yay!! another cool possible followup optimization is to try out remote caching, which would allow you to do things like reuse the results of prior CI runs in the current CI run
yah i’m really excited to test out remote caching+remote execution
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but honestly we gotta get our house in order first and get everything on py3
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not that they’re mutually exclusive, just limited resources and all
makes sense, wishing you all luck with finishing that Py3 migration. Such a slog, but hopefully will be worth it! It's been such an enormous productivity boost to Pants contributions one of the things we're working on in the background is improving Pants's reliability for remote caching, which should make the experience more polished when you're ready to try
Thanks for the detailed timing data, that is really interesting! Are those timings for just the pip resolve, or for the entire Pants run? I'm wondering if this would manifest with a direct run of pip, or if this is somehow Pants-related.
That was for a pants —no-pantsd repl but i grabbed the pip command from ps and tried it directly and it was slow as well. I’m fairly certain the issue is the 2020-resolver. That said, it did seem after i resolved it once if i were to modify pants.toml or issue a pants test —test-debug or some variation that it would try to re-resolve even though the reqs didnt change. So maybe there is some improvement to be made there.
Hmm, in the end it should all boil down to a
process execution that should be cached, but it's not impossible that something is polluting the cache keys.