I'm kind of baffled by this error here: ```Excepti...
# general
I'm kind of baffled by this error here:
Copy code
Exception: Unmatched glob from the option `--python-setup-requirement-constraints`: "constraints.txt"
Does anyone have incite into this error? It does it both when using the equivalent configuration in pants.toml and when using the mentioned CLI flag
Hey Noah! It means that you're telling Pants you have a constraints file at
<build root>/constraints.txt
, but Pants can't find it Do you expect that file to exist?
it does exist, let me double check for typos though
oh I think I know the issue. The constraints.txt is in the repo root, which isn't a build root
The constraints.txt is in the repo root, which isn't a build root
Wait what do you mean? Build root == repo root, it's where the
script is located and (normally)
the error's a little misleading, but I think I understand what's going on now. Thanks @hundreds-father-404
Ah, I'm thinking source root
👍 1
Oh yeah, those terms are confusing for sure
yeah, that file exists, so it's not clear to me why it can't find it
doh, it's my .gitignore
yup, that was it
K, how would this error message have been?
Exception: Unmatched glob from the option `[python-setup].requirement-constraints`: "constraints.txt"
Does that file exist? If so, check if the file is in your
or the global
option. Refer to https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/troubleshooting#pants-cannot-find-a-file-in-your-project
that would have been helpful
just "unmatched glob" could mean it expects a wildcard in the filename or something. Even just having "do the file(s) exist?" would help clarify what the error means
just "unmatched glob" could mean it expects a wildcard in the filename or something
Yeah that's correct. This is the same error message for when
in a BUILD file, for example. So we need to use the term "glob" to be accurate
Yeah, that makes sense. Just didn't put 2 and 2 together that it meant it couldn't see the file 🙂
Cool, I like this rewording a lot. https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/11629 Only blocker is figuring out how to generate the stable URL to the docs from our Rust code, which is not as trivial as it sounds