Very minor question--any timeline for adding Pytho...
# general
Very minor question--any timeline for adding Python 3.9 support (in terms of just pants itself; I notice the
executable only lists up to 3.8)? Not a dealbreaker at the moment, but our app is built with 3.9 and it would lightly simplify some infrastructure.
This is the top priority I've been working on past few days. Blocked by moving our release process from Travis to GitHub, which I'm almost done with but iterating on CI is...slow Once that lands, it will be easy to add Py39. We probably missed the boat for 2.4.x to have Py39 because the cherry-pick is non-trivial, but 2.5.x should have it
Sounds good. And I feel you on CI iteration, which has been my world for the past week (um... mostly trying to integrate pants... 😉 monorepo caching with HUUUGE caches is just painful, curse you numeric libraries and torch...). But glad to hear it's on the horizon.
💯 1