Is there a way to ignore some modules from when `:...
# general
Is there a way to ignore some modules from when
is passed to pants?
The reason is for intellij, the scala plugin does some funky stuff for everything when I only care about scala code
Hello! Yes, a couple ways. If you want to ignore only a few targets, via `--tag`: If you want to ignore all of a certain type of target,
and then an xarg: (see tool tip at top of page)
I think the problem is bc the intellij plugin uses some command i cannot control πŸ˜•
it does something like
Copy code
pants --pants-bin-name=/Users/lawrencefinn/Documents/aiq/pants --pants-version=1.27.0 --spec-file=/private/var/folders/_q/zhx_jm011cv404s1nyy5n41w0000gn/T/ --no-quiet --export-available-target-types export --output-file=/private/var/folders/_q/zhx_jm011cv404s1nyy5n41w0000gn/T/pants_depmap_run4.out --formatted
with the spec_file has
i can’t really change the command πŸ˜•
Oh, hm, I don't know how to change the IntelliJ plugin's command nor much about it in general 😐 What's the funky stuff going on?
im trying to upgrade some modules to py3 while others are py2
πŸ‘ 1
and this command tries to do something against both py2 and py3 targets which conflict