Hi folks, PyCon US week is finally here, and Pants...
# general
Hi folks, PyCon US week is finally here, and Pants has a strong presence this year! • On Friday at 9:15 AM PDT I’ll be speaking about some of the cool and unusual ways we leverage Python in the Pants execution engine, in “Creating extensible workflows with off-label use of Python”. • On Friday at 1:00 PM PDT @hundreds-father-404 will be speaking, in Spanish, about our experience interoperating Python and Rust, in “Cuándo usar extensiones nativas en Rust: rendimiento accesible y seguro”. • On both Friday and Saturday from 1100 1200 PDT we’ll be demoing “Fast, Friendly Python Builds With Pants” in the virtual expo hall. Also, our company, Toolchain, was selected as one of a handful of startups to be featured in Startup Row, a showcase of new ventures and technologies of particular interest to the PyCon audience. We’ll be demonstrating OSS Pants, as well as our SaaS remote caching solution. Swing by our virtual booth any time to chat! You can still register for PyCon at https://us.pycon.org/2021/registration/information/. It’s only $100 for an individual registration or $150 for a corporate registration, and proceeds benefit the Python Software Foundation, and therefore all of us. Perhaps your employer will reimburse the cost of a ticket? Please tell your friends and co-workers about our talks and demos, and come find us online at the conference!
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