Unfortunately if I now get: ```16:45:19.88 [WARN]...
# general
Unfortunately if I now get:
Copy code
16:45:19.88 [WARN] Ignoring `[python_setup].resolve_all_constraints` option because constraints file does not cover all requirements.
which I think means my
is being ignored (I didn't quite grok the docs). That seems unfortunate. Note that the stubs are
style so I can't freeze them even if I did put them in the
. Is there no way to get these 3rd party type stubs but also keep the
Try 2.5.0rc0 if you're on 2.4. I think https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/11907 is mean to handle this case
Thanks @hundreds-father-404. So putting this all together I think if we move to 2.5.0rc0 we can put the
requirements in our
but we'd still need to add an explicit dependency on any type stubs on any targets that use `numpy`; that part can't be made automatic. Is that correct?
It'd be really nice to have the equivalent of
so that it could be made automatic and not cause ambiguity.
Oh that's an interesting idea! Right now, we have special cased code so that we are fine with ambiguity when the type stub is first-party, like a
file checked into your repo. I like the idea of allowing that for 3rd party code too Would you mind opening a GitHub issue with this idea please? https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues
like a
file checked into your repo
Which btw, you could use this as a workaround for now
👍 1
Thank you! Would you have an interest in implementing this? If so, I'm happy to write some detailed instructions on how to go about it
I'm afraid I don't have time at the moment, but some other time.
👍 1
@plain-carpet-73994 I'm starting work on this as a fun side project. One thing that would help me a lot if you have a few minutes to spare...research what are some common type stub libraries out there so that we can define a default
. For example,
{"numpy-stubs": ["numpy"]}
Or perhaps we don't even need that, it's enough to use the heuristic of the project name with
removed, e.g.
defaults to the module
The special mapping is only relevant if there's a stubs library which doesn't follow that naming scheme
That's great to hear! Not sure if a default makes sense. For example, there's more than 1 numpy type hinting library that I found. I think the really common stubs are already in typeshed so this would only be for less common libraries. For those I'm not sure there's much of a convention. Though I haven't had a reason to look for a lot of stubs until now. If I do detect a pattern I'll let you know.
👍 1