Quick question. Pants v1 was supporting other lang...
# general
Quick question. Pants v1 was supporting other languages besides Python as far as I can tell. Pants v2, does not. Is there a plan to support other languages in the future, or is this something we need to do on our own through the Plugin System?
Hello! Yes, in the works 🙂 2.5 adds support for Shell https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.5/docs/shell A few contributors are actively working on Java and Scala to follow, and there's been some initial work on Go Which language(s) are you hoping to use?
node/npm/whatever those front-end people call it would be 💯
Node is not currently in the works, in part because it means something different to everyone. E.g. do we want a "Create React App" integration? We'd welcome community contributions for JavaScript, and are also happy to help folks host their own plugins (similar to Flake8 and Pytest communities)
Currently we have a repo for React and multiple repos for Django Apps. We are still evaluating whether we want to have everything in one repository or split up front/backend.
Yeah, Node/JS is not a high priority right now because there are so many competing underlying tools, and what support for it means looks so different to different people. We'd love if an org with a specific opinion were to implement this, and we'd be happy to help. But also, it seems fine to me to have a React app built directly via, say, Yarn, while the Python parts of the repo are built with Pants. That's what we do internally at Toolchain!
👍 1
all excellent points. Plus i'm pretty sure my FE devs would through their toys if I told them what tools to use.
Indeed, that's another reason we're hesitant to enter JS-land. There's already so much work going into build tools there (e.g. Rome). We're trying to focus more on languages that are underserved by current tooling (esp tooling for large repositories / monorepos)