Is there any way to add a dependency on a file in ...
# general
Is there any way to add a dependency on a file in a sibling directory? like
? When I try I'm getting errors like:
Copy code
InvalidSpecPath: Address spec has un-normalized path part '../configs/dummy_pack_1.yaml'
Copy code
InvalidSpecPath: Address spec has un-normalized path part 'st2tests/st2tests/fixtures/packs/dummy_pack_1/../configs/dummy_pack_1.yaml'
Yeah - but it must be a full path from the buildroot. So you'll need to calculate that and not use
So sibling OK, relative path not OK.
OK. That's what I did. I would prefer the shorter relative path but oh well.
I'm not sure if this is an unintentionally arbitrary restriction or there are reasons, but there are unit tests asserting .. paths are invalid.
not worth fighting for this one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh, and thanks for validating that I can't do relative paths 🙂