I just updated Pants version from 2.5.1 to 2.6.0. ...
# general
I just updated Pants version from 2.5.1 to 2.6.0. When I run
./pants fmt ::
, it tells me that it reformatted one file. When I run
./pants lint ::
it tells me that the file needs to be reformatted 🙂 What could be wrong?
Hm, which auto formatter is this? One idea is if you have two auto formatters or linters that conflict with each other - for example, fixing Black means breaking isort
Black was failing. The thing is that
did no change to the code. When I installed black and used it outside of Pants, it actually modified the file. It turned out to be that one docstring started with four
Hmm, is the version of black different maybe? I think it was bumped in 2.6. You can run ./pants help-advanced black
Yeah, probably. Anyway, I pinned the black version in pants.toml, so I can change it on my own when needed. Thank you.
👍 1