Hi pants'ers! Had a quick question about the inter...
# general
Hi pants'ers! Had a quick question about the interplay between the protobuf backend and the mypy plugin. I have a
, and in my pants.toml I have
mypy_plugin = true
set for the protobuf backend. When I examine the chroot for
pants typecheck ::
(thanks to
) I see that: ā€¢ my protobuf_library has accurately generated
files. ā€¢ Importantly, I do not see any `__init__.py`s in the protobuf-codegen'd directory. When I run
pants typecheck
, Mypy complains with: "Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named 'your_thing_that_you_imported_pb2'" Interestingly, at runtime (i.e. during a test) this import is resolved correctly. So, at this point, my suspicion is that the codegen is correct and mypy is just not able to find the
files. I was browsing through mypy documentation and I came across a seemingly perfect flag:
- that accounts for packages lacking init.py. Sure enough, running it with this flag makes it all work swimmingly.
Hey Max, welcome! Sorry for the initial confusion - I have a TODO to better document the interplay of Protobuf and
files. I'm glad you were able to figure this out! FYI the other way you could have resolved this is adding empty
files to the locations where the files get generated to. Usually people don't want to add those to a
folder, for example, hence the
option to allow you to have a file like
generate into
. Then you would have
and it should work. Does that make sense? Using namespace packages is also totally valid. Although I don't think we want to be activating it by default: we generally try to keep the magic of setting MyPy options to a minimum because it can result in confusion
šŸ™Œ 1
Yep, that makes sense. I definitely noticed the docs have a lot of warnings of adding init.py - and sure enough, we have stuff in
and are not using
fwiw the only repo I could find that tries to demonstrate this is https://github.com/danieljanes/pants-python-protobuf (you're a contributor!) the proto BUILD says the generated source root will be
- so I was a bit surprised that
doesn't, itself, have an init https://github.com/danieljanes/pants-python-protobuf/tree/master/src/py
Ohh I guess I did finish that TODO and never checked it off my list šŸ™ˆ https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/protobuf#step-4-use-the-protobuf_library-in-your-python-code Any feedback on what was confusing there or could be improved? It sounds like a worked out example could help, e.g. linking to Daniel's repo
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(slash, it'd be super cool and awesome if you guys could update this repo a bit [it's currently on some weird beta version of pants] and perhaps link it from the "Protobuf and gRPC" page šŸ™‚ )
yeah definitely a concrete example would help, with notes about "oh this is why this initpy is here"
šŸ‘ 1
Oh, one other question was: Let's say you have src/protos/BUILD
Copy code
if i wanted an explicit
declaration, would I specify
p.s. as a former bazel user, love this product a hell of a lot more, keep it up šŸ™‚
You would depend on the original `protobuf_library`'s "address", so
. Or, use dependency inference which will infer a dep on
Glad to hear you're enjoying Pants! We've been putting a lot of focus on making it more ergonomic and joyful to get the benefits of build tools w/o all the boilerplate We still have more to go towards that vision, like making BUILD files optional most the time...but I appreciate the feedback!