Hi, i have a working setup with 2.6.1 for mypy. St...
# general
Hi, i have a working setup with 2.6.1 for mypy. Stub files are listed in
. I updated to 2.7.0 and added a lockfile (which contains my stub deps) The mypy PEX has the stub deps, afaict When i run
now it says that the stubs are not installed. I would really rather not add the stubs as runtime deps as they are not, so wondering if/how to get the old behaviour working again
Hey Phlax, thanks for reaching out! Relates to this discussion: https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C046T6T9U/p1633546871362700 What's your hesitation with them being runtime deps? Definitely open to revisiting this all - trying to understand your thinking here
simply that they are only used in typechecking, so v reluctant to add unused deps (same eg with pytest deps) the only downside i saw to the old way was that i had to just specify all of the mypy requirements for all of my packages - rather than per-package, but i would still rather that than have unused deps
ie unused deps that end users must depend upon
i read through the posted comment and related ticket/s before posting, but tbh felt that it just underlined the issue, rather than resolved it
(apologies if i sound critical, not meaning too, just trying to explain the issue)
What do you think of
option? Having it there, rather than in
, would still solve the issues that were motivating https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/12597 And the "extra" to speak to how you can still use normal runtime deps. This augments any of those
(apologies if i sound critical, not meaning too, just trying to explain the issue)
Not at all, we love feedback on things like this! Thank you for advocating it and for being thoughtful in how you do so
yep that would work i think
i guess my ideal would be that i had some way to specify per-package so users could do
Copy code
pip install somepackage[mypy]
I don't think I understand what you mean with per-package?
or similar, but having the old behaviour back with
would be good
im building ~20 separate packages from the repo im working on
I still don't understand what you mean with per-package. Like that the
you build has an
which will optionally include the type stubs the project depends on? I think related, I am wondering if a better solution here is for us to have first-class distinction between type-stub only deps vs. normal deps. Like that
tracks that. Such that MyPy can install everything, but other contexts like Pytest and packaging ignore those ones
do we treat PEP 561 stubs-only packages in any special way? https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0561
most of the folders are separately published pypi packages
so lets say there are 3 (pypi) packages
end users who just need to use package
would do
Copy code
pip install a
if they happened to want to run tests on the package then ideally they should be able to do
Copy code
pip install a[test]
and if they wanted to typecheck then
Copy code
pip install a[mypy]
same with
and each should be able to maintain a separate set of deps for each context
but tbh, my more immediate concern is just to get my build working with 2.7+ and ideally without adding more deps
if i add more deps, then i will have to add them downstream with hashes etc, etc, and get those extra deps reviewed, agreed, landed
and then dependabot wants to update them
it just adds more review and maintenance overhead
Okay, thanks for this context. The easiest/quickest would indeed be adding
. That more holistic rework of type stubs would require much more design work and be harder to implement
is there a PR for
it didnt seem to work locally when i added
No, I'm proposing adding it based on your feedback today + jyggen's yesterday
ah k, i see
i can take a look, but v limited time atm, so not sure how far i will get if its not a v easyfix
Thanks, although I can try to get to it today or tomorrow - tbh that MyPy code is a bit confusing (which was a big motivator for #12597). What would be most helpful is if you can review the PR
sure, would be happy to - i have not got so far with pants dev, but ive got the basics - feel free to request a review on github - im @adorable-engine-71736 there too
❤️ 1
just saw that you added - thanks so much for addressing this! quickly scanning the code and it looks good, ill give it a spin in our env in the morning to confirm thanks again
❤️ 1
hi, i tried installing from the github repo but as its a pyproject.toml based repo i dont see a way to do a local/editable install
is there some magic im missing, ive searched on this previously and only ever found irate users and unhelpful responses
for that reason i tend to stick with setup.* configurations
Tried installing what, Pants?
If so, no need to manually test, but I appreciate the offer! Manually testing would require using
, which involves compiling the Rust engine which can be really slow (After this commit is merged, we will publish the wheels for the commit so you can run the commit before an official release)
hmm, ok, no aversion to rust, but happy to wait
If you are interested in testing it beforehand, you should be able to clone Pants and then use this script in your repo: https://github.com/pantsbuild/example-python/blob/main/pants_from_sources
im struggling to understand how you guys work with this, i live in pdb and test all my code, both of which necessitate local install
might be helpful to add some dev docs on how to run locally with a git checkout
We live it with by using that
script, which allows us to test locally on any repository