Having some trouble `--no-process-execution-local-...
# general
Having some trouble
. I think when it hits a cached result it doesn't display the directories? Also when it does display them, it's not clear which one contains the environment to inspect to debug an issue with missing imports. Any hints?
Copy code
19:00:28.37 [INFO] Initializing scheduler...
19:00:28.57 [INFO] Scheduler initialized.
19:00:28.61 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /private/var/folders/g4/8ps3_1d52wl2h7g4120w1yy40000gn/T/process-execution9yL1vk for "Searching for `bash` on PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin"
19:00:28.98 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /private/var/folders/g4/8ps3_1d52wl2h7g4120w1yy40000gn/T/process-executionr8kZi6 for "Test binary /bin/bash."
19:00:28.98 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /private/var/folders/g4/8ps3_1d52wl2h7g4120w1yy40000gn/T/process-executionnS63et for "Searching for `python2` on PATH=/Users/gordon/.gem/ruby/2.6.0/bin:/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin"
19:00:28.98 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /private/var/folders/g4/8ps3_1d52wl2h7g4120w1yy40000gn/T/process-execution0SZlN5 for "Searching for `python` on PATH=/Users/gordon/.gem/ruby/2.6.0/bin:/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin"
19:00:28.98 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /private/var/folders/g4/8ps3_1d52wl2h7g4120w1yy40000gn/T/process-executionuQbz9W for "Searching for `python3` on PATH=/Users/gordon/.gem/ruby/2.6.0/bin:/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin"
19:00:29.13 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /private/var/folders/g4/8ps3_1d52wl2h7g4120w1yy40000gn/T/process-executionk6hOvM for "Test binary /usr/bin/python2."
19:00:29.22 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /private/var/folders/g4/8ps3_1d52wl2h7g4120w1yy40000gn/T/process-executionrn0j6h for "Test binary /usr/bin/python."
19:00:29.32 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /private/var/folders/g4/8ps3_1d52wl2h7g4120w1yy40000gn/T/process-executionp5uPcR for "Test binary /usr/bin/python3."
19:00:29.32 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /private/var/folders/g4/8ps3_1d52wl2h7g4120w1yy40000gn/T/process-execution568XCC for "Test binary /usr/local/bin/python3."
19:00:29.49 [INFO] Preserving local process execution dir /private/var/folders/g4/8ps3_1d52wl2h7g4120w1yy40000gn/T/process-executionZVf5oh for "Find interpreter for constraints: CPython<4,>=3.6"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/gordon/sites/django-tutorial/.pants.d/tmpl09j67rw/src/manage.py", line 11, in main
    from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'django'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/gordon/sites/django-tutorial/.pants.d/tmpl09j67rw/src/manage.py", line 22, in <module>
  File "/Users/gordon/sites/django-tutorial/.pants.d/tmpl09j67rw/src/manage.py", line 13, in main
    raise ImportError(
ImportError: Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you forget to activate a virtual environment?
Trying to figure out why django is not getting imported. The directores in the stack trace no longer exist. None of the directories that are preserved according to the logs seem to contain what I need.
yes on caching. You can use
--no-pantsd --no-process-execution-local-cache
to force it to run
🙏 1
With these flags should I expect the
directory to persist? Not seeing htat....
Oh hm is this ./pants run or repl? I would expect those dirs to always exist, I thought we weren't doing cleanup. Those are a different thing - they're "InteractiveProcess" and run in the build root rather than a proper chroot
I think i am encountering strangeness due to django's autoreloading
When I turn that off, everything works
Though even in that case I don't see an obvious way to find the directory that i am running out of (even with all those flags)
In any event - I'm all set now for my purposes. Thanks for the help!