So I have some (non-python) files in my monorepo t...
# general
So I have some (non-python) files in my monorepo that are generated from other files. An easy example is we generate GitHub's CODEOWNERS from a yml file (for ease). Ideally, this functionality would sit in my build tool (E.g. it knows that script X generates CODEOWNERS from CODEOWNERS.yml). That way: ā€¢ If CODEOWNERS.yml gets touched it could re-generate (given the right command, like
) ā€¢ If CODEOWNERS isn't what we expect due to changes in CODEOWNERS.yml, we error on the right command (like
?) ā€¢ If someone touches CODEOWNERS but not the yml, also error in a command (like
) Any thoughts on this inside of Pants (I presume as a plugin)
Sounds like a codegen plugin. See for details on how to write one of those.
šŸ™Œ 1
Although typically the results of codegen don't get checked in to the repo (since they are build byproducts) but it sounds like you want it in the repo?
The CODEOWNERS example is a good one of a sane use case (my company has also some insane use-cases. Let's ignore those šŸ˜…)
Is back-into-the-repo a deal-breaker?
So you may need to duct tape codegen onto the
goal, since that naturally modifies files in the workspace
Perhaps the answer then is that I should implementing a new formatter (and linter by inheritence)
if it makes sense to have this be a formatter then yep! But the codegen example may still be useful in cobbling that together
šŸ™Œ 1
You could perhaps use the shell command target to generate the file, would still need to figure out how to lint it..