Another observation I made on 2.7 is that when I a...
# general
Another observation I made on 2.7 is that when I add a
and have a constraints file the
./pants repl
fails with an error message:
Copy code
❯ ./pants repl components/grp_a/cmp_a
09:31:57.27 [INFO] Initializing scheduler...
09:31:57.63 [INFO] Scheduler initialized.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/malte/src/pants-eval/.pants.d/tmpw7g1gbql/requirements.pex/.bootstrap/pex/", line 482, in execute
  File "/Users/malte/src/pants-eval/.pants.d/tmpw7g1gbql/requirements.pex/.bootstrap/pex/", line 139, in activate
  File "/Users/malte/src/pants-eval/.pants.d/tmpw7g1gbql/requirements.pex/.bootstrap/pex/", line 125, in _activate
  File "/Users/malte/src/pants-eval/.pants.d/tmpw7g1gbql/requirements.pex/.bootstrap/pex/", line 109, in _loaded_envs
  File "/Users/malte/src/pants-eval/.pants.d/tmpw7g1gbql/requirements.pex/.bootstrap/pex/", line 103, in from_pex
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '__reqs/rich<11.0.0,>=10.11.0.pex/PEX-INFO'
I searched the issue tracker, but couldn’t find an issue for it. I will test this later with 2.8beta, but maybe this is some obvious thing I missed?
Checked with 2.8.0.rc1 and there it works, seems to be fixed. That’s great news!
FYI: 2.7.1 has the fix as well.