Hey, moving some of my team's code( which was in i...
# general
Hey, moving some of my team's code( which was in its own pants monorepo) into a new pants codebase and trying to make sure IntelliJ plugin is able to import the project. Using
IntelliJ 2020.2.4
pants plugin 1.16
, with pants
. It sometimes will work and some other it will run way too long ( before I cancel it). When it does run long and I cancel it I can see the following output
Copy code
pants --spec-file=/private/var/folders/jl/2530nrx54zl8q3bmz7bcg3yc0000gn/T/pants_target_specs1366.in --no-quiet --export-available-target-types export --output-file=/private/var/folders/jl/2530nrx54zl8q3bmz7bcg3yc0000gn/T/pants_depmap_run2768.out --formatted
Exit code: 120

16:24:41 00:00 [main]
               (To run a reporting server: ./pants server)
16:24:47 00:06   [setup]
16:24:47 00:06     [parse]
               Executing tasks in goals: bootstrap -> imports -> unpack-jars -> unpack-wheels -> deferred-sources -> native-compile -> link -> gen -> jvm-platform-validate -> pyprep -> export
16:24:48 00:07   [bootstrap]
16:24:48 00:07     [substitute-aliased-targets]
16:24:48 00:07     [jar-dependency-management]
16:24:48 00:07     [bootstrap-jvm-tools]
16:24:48 00:07     [provide-tools-jar]
16:24:48 00:07   [imports]
16:24:48 00:07     [ivy-imports]
16:24:48 00:07   [unpack-jars]
16:24:48 00:07     [unpack-jars]
16:24:48 00:07   [unpack-wheels]
16:24:48 00:07     [unpack-wheels]
16:24:48 00:07   [deferred-sources]
16:24:48 00:07     [deferred-sources]
16:24:48 00:07   [native-compile]
16:24:48 00:07     [conan-prep]
16:24:48 00:07     [conan-fetch]
16:24:48 00:07     [c-for-ctypes]
16:24:48 00:07     [cpp-for-ctypes]
16:24:49 00:08   [link]
16:24:49 00:08     [shared-libraries]
16:24:49 00:08   [gen]
16:24:49 00:08     [protoc]
16:24:49 00:08     [thrift-java]
16:24:49 00:08     [thrift-py]
16:24:49 00:08     [py-thrift-namespace-clash-check]
16:24:49 00:08     [grpcio-prep]
16:24:49 00:08     [grpcio-run]
16:24:49 00:08     [scalapb-gen]
16:24:49 00:08     [jooq-gen]
16:24:49 00:08   [jvm-platform-validate]
16:24:49 00:08     [jvm-platform-validate]
16:24:49 00:08   [pyprep]
16:24:49 00:08     [interpreter]
16:24:49 00:08     [build-local-dists]
16:24:49 00:08     [requirements]
16:24:49 00:08     [sources]
16:24:49 00:08   [export]
16:24:49 00:08     [export]
               Waiting for background workers to finish.
16:25:00 00:19   [complete]
20:24:44 [INFO] initializing pantsd...
20:24:47 [INFO] pantsd initialized.
20:24:47 [WARN] Unmatched glob from products/datalogue/utilities/test/resources:resources's `sources` field: "products/datalogue/utilities/test/resources/*/**"
Seems like its getting stuck after initializing pantsd but have no clue how to debug this or find the root cause. Given this running all within IntelliJ , I am not sure how to add any debug logs to the pants process. Any tips on how I can go about finding the issue ? Can also share the intellij logs if that can be helpful