When trying to upgrade from `2.6.1` to `2.8.0rc5`,...
# general
When trying to upgrade from
, on the packaging step, the Linux CI fails with an error message. It looks like Pex now requires all dependencies, transitively, to be present as wheels (
--only-binary :all:
argument to the
command). It works fine to produce necessary
packages with
atm even though some transitive dependencies are available only as
on the PyPI. I know Pex wouldn’t get the
for multiplatform packages, but the package in question is only for a single platform (
). @enough-analyst-54434 is this intended?
Copy code
pants.engine.process.ProcessExecutionFailure: Process 'Building project/project-file.pex with 23 requirements: PyYAML, bokeh==2.3.2, fastparquet==0.7.0, (truncated...)' failed with exit code 1.



ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement thrift>=0.11.0 (from fastparquet)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for thrift>=0.11.0

pid 14440 -> /home/jenkins/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs/8c697325637c51a0499eb9481ecd8612923ca1ef/ddab8011daaee380698ac2fb9701af18c90c03f6/pex --disable-pip-version-check --no-python-version-warning --exists-action a --isolated -q --cache-dir /home/jenkins/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root --log /tmp/process-executionHQoVqC/.tmp/tmpq80ca8b0/pip.log download --dest /tmp/process-executionHQoVqC/.tmp/tmpqtdby7ip/linux_x86_64-cp-38-cp38 --platform manylinux2014_x86_64 --platform linux_x86_64 --implementation cp --python-version 38 --abi cp38 --only-binary :all: --constraint constraints.txt PyYAML bokeh==2.3.2 fastparquet==0.7.0 (truncated...) --index-url <https://pypi.org/simple/> --extra-index-url <https://hosted-pypi/url/pypi/simple> --retries 5 --timeout 15 exited with 1 and STDERR:

It is intended if your
target declares `platforms`: https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/reference-pex_binary#codeplatformscode Presumably though, your target definitions remained a constant during the upgrade.
@fresh-cat-90827 if you can confirm that
target definitions did not change during this Pants upgrade I can dig a bit further.
The only long-shot idea I had was the
Pex option. That option will tell Pex to try to find a local interpreter that corresponds to the platform and use that to build wheels, if needed; otherwise to fall back to only accepting wheels as is the default for
. Pants has never exposed this though and only uses it for awslambda. That said, the default is for this to be off both in Pex 2.1.42, which Pants 2.6.1 uses as well as in Pex 2.1.54 which Pants 2.8.0rc5 uses; so this longshot idea doesn't appear to be relevant.
👍 1
@fresh-cat-90827 maybe if you could try going from 2.6.1 to 2.7 first? Even if you don't land that bump, it will help to bisect where this broke
@fresh-cat-90827 if you can confirm that 
 target definitions did not change during this Pants upgrade I can dig a bit further.
@enough-analyst-54434 no changes to the
files, the only changes are in the
(renaming some deprecated options).
@fresh-cat-90827 maybe if you could try going from 2.6.1 to 2.7 first? Even if you don’t land that bump, it will help to bisect where this broke
Thanks @hundreds-father-404 for looking into this! I’ve tried 2.7.0, but unfortunately ran into an issue John has fixed for me. See https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C046T6T9U/p1635797857340500?thread_ts=1635797837.340300&amp;cid=C046T6T9U
Hm what about 2.7.2rc2?
👀 1
and`2.7.2rc2` give me the same error, Eric.
Copy code

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement thrift>=0.11.0 (from fastparquet)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for thrift>=0.11.0
hey! There are quite a few projects that are published only as
so publishing all of them as wheels would imply that I’d have to build a little CI plan to be able to publish on a hosted PyPI wheels for those projects and re-build new wheels when new versions are released which feels a bit too much. Do you folks think there is any chance I could provide more information that would help us debug why switching to a later version of Pants doesn’t let build PEX packages asking for wheels (when
only available)?
@fresh-cat-90827 the issue is the
--only-binary :all:
Pip args. Pex only emits those when you specify
and Pants, in turn, only sets that for AWS lambda. Otherwise you must set it with
in your BUILD files. Let's start there and work backwards. Is the issue you're seeing either when building AWS lambda targets or
targets with
Ideally, can you provide the full target definition and information about the machine where your running the
goal (i.e.: Mac or Linux, what interpreter versions are available on the PATH, etc)?
👍 1
Thanks @enough-analyst-54434! I am seeing the issue when building this
on a Linux Ubuntu (20.04) with Python 3.8 being the default interpreter (and the only interpreter available) —
Docker image in CI.
Copy code
Removing the
argument still does not remove the
--only-binary :all:
Pip args, it seems:
Copy code

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement thrift>=0.11.0 (from fastparquet)

ERROR: No matching distribution found for thrift>=0.11.0

pid 3344 -> /home/user/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root/venvs/8c697325637c51a0499eb9481ecd8612923ca1ef/ddab8011daaee380698ac2fb9701af18c90c03f6/pex --disable-pip-version-check --no-python-version-warning --exists-action a --isolated -q --cache-dir /home/user/.cache/pants/named_caches/pex_root --log /tmp/process-executionCdtnky/.tmp/tmp_3_141kp/pip.log download --dest /tmp/process-executionCdtnky/.tmp/tmpnzgy4ln7/linux_x86_64-cp-38-cp38 --platform manylinux2014_x86_64 --platform linux_x86_64 --implementation cp --python-version 38 --abi cp38 --only-binary :all: --constraint constraints.txt PyYAML ....(omitted).... scipy --index-url <https://pypi.org/simple/> --extra-index-url <https://user>:****@hosted-pypi/api/pypi/pypi/simple --retries 5 --timeout 15 exited with 1 and STDERR:

Removing the 
 argument still does not remove the 
--only-binary :all:
 Pip args, it seems:
That should not be true - completely unexpected. So a great place to dig. But before digging, I want to emphasize that with
in place, it should have always been the case that `-only-binary all`was being used and thus sdists in a resolve would fail the build.
So, can you verify that if you copy-paste that target definition, change the name to some else, say 'fred' and leave out platforms, that
./pants package ....:fred
of that new target also somehow fails and shows `--only-binary all`in the output?
That should not be true - completely unexpected. So a great place to dig. But before digging, I want to emphasize that with 
 in place, it should have always been the case that `-only-binary all`was being used and thus sdists in a resolve would fail the build.
ha! I am able to build the package with
only on the PyPI on Pants 2.6.1, with the
set to Linux as above 🙂 However, with
after removing the
, the package is built fine! It’s my bad — there were a few very similar names of the packages…
So, can you verify that if you copy-paste that target definition, change the name to some else, say ‘fred’ and leave out platforms, that 
./pants package ....:fred
 of that new target also somehow fails and shows `--only-binary all`in the output?
Indeed, the packages that have no
are built fine! So the CI case is fine (if we don’t use
) — we’ll have Linux packages (since they are built on Linux). But then we won’t be able to produce PEX packages (Linux ones) locally on MacOS devices.
ha! I am able to build the package with 
 only on the PyPI on Pants 2.6.1, with the 
 set to Linux as above
Ok - looking at that Pants version to see if we did use
which is the only way that could have worked...
Aha. I think you were on the beneficiary side of this Pip bug: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/10050 I worked around that bug in Pex here: + https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex/issues/1366 + https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex/pull/1367 That was released in Pex 2.1.43. Pants upgraded to Pex 2.1.44 here: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/commit/d7be43a5a24d6ec067e9fa86b7cc27d7b22ed31d That upgrade is in 2.7.0.dev2 and greater. This explains the issue you're seeing then. So - to bring it all back: You have always been on the beneficiary side of a Pip bug that Pex worked around. You always should have been getting the failures you're getting today. The only way to restore the old behavior is to expose a
option in Pants (or make it the default). Then, you should find your resolves working. BUT, be warned, they will only continue to work as long as a local interpreter that exactly matches the platform can be resolved in order to build sdists with. Does that all make sense?
💯 2
And thanks for bearing with me on this. Took a little too long to figure out.
ah that’s amazing, thanks, John!
BUT, be warned, they will only continue to work as long as a local interpreter that exactly matches the platform can be resolved in order to build sdists with.
Just to confirm, I think we already have it in the CI, otherwise it wouldn’t have worked with
, would it. So, if I specify
then Python 3.8 on Linux x86_64 should be found which is a standard thing, so no changes are necessary to any machinery on our side. Provided we can have this magical
in Pants, right?
Right. But, running that same
on a linux without Python 3.8 or on a Mac will still fail with the new
since no local Linux Python 3.8 interpreter will be found on those machines. If you have tight control of your machines, dev and CI - you'll be good to go. If you don't, you'll be surprised when this re-breaks, but at least now you'll know why.
In the general case of using
you really do need to have your own wheelhouse. Hopefully you can continue to get away with not needing one.
Gotcha. So if I have
I won’t be able to produce a package on a MacOS device because there is no Linuxy Python 3.8 found?
In the general case of using platforms you really do need to have your own wheelhouse.
I think this is where we are going to… Time to spin up a new Jenkins plan 😄 😄
Yeah, that's regardless of
. That new option would only help if you are on a Linux machine and there are some sdists If you are on macOS building for the Linux platform, you must have wheels already prepared
Gotcha. So if I have 
 I won’t be able to produce a package on a MacOS device because there is no Linuxy Python 3.8 found?
Correct. You also won't be able to on a Linux machine either unless the Linux machine has Python 3.8 on the
. If you get an employee who wipes their Mac and installls Arch Linux (god bless 'em), they'll just have Python 3.9 or even Python 3.10 by default since its a rolling release style distro.
haha. The way I decided to solve this is to use enforce having XCode 12 on MacOS (primary users) devices which ships with Python 3.8:
Copy code
interpreter_search_paths = ["/usr/bin"]
interpreter_constraints = ["CPython==3.8.*"]
As a side effect, a few Linux users get the support as well since they have
being Python 3.8 as well (luckily, we control the system versions) 🙂 Thanks again for all the help, can’t be more grateful!
OK, the
Pex feature is still off by default, but can now be flipped on by default with
[pex-binary-defaults] resolve-local-platforms = True
and over-ridden on individual
targets with a new
`bool`field. This will be available in the
release next week.
lovely, thanks, John! I’ll experiment with this feature and in the worst case will need to host some wheels 🙂
hey @enough-analyst-54434! I tried
and after setting
Copy code
resolve_local_platforms = true
in the
my Linux CI can build packages even though many of the transitive dependencies are available only as sdists. Thanks a lot for making this option available.
💯 1
Excellent. You're welcome.