Hi folks! A reddit commenter asks "What is the big...
# general
Hi folks! A reddit commenter asks "What is the biggest repository that Pants has run on (in terms of number of directories & files)," As an open source project, we don't have registration data that would authoritatively answer that. But anecdata much appreciated. Roughly how big is your repo?
v1 or v2?
A few thousand files. We’re not finished with adoption yet, so I can’t say for certain how well it runs, but things are looking mostly good so far
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πŸ‘ 1
Code lines for my repo
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Copy code
$ ./pants count-loc ::
Language                 Files     Lines   Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
Python                    1690    618679    23906      7270   587503      18700
HTML                        61      6522      694        67     5761          0
JSON                        36     18755        6         0    18749          0
YAML                        30      2451        4        19     2428          0
JavaScript                   6       671       89         8      574         32
CSV                          1         2        0         0        2          0
JSONL                        1         4        0         0        4          0
Jinja                        1        11        0         0       11          2
Shell                        1        13        2         2        9          4
TOML                         1       146        5         0      141          0
Total                     1828    647254    24706      7366   615182      18738
Estimated Cost to Develop $22,911,268
Estimated Schedule Effort 50.432378 months
Estimated People Required 53.813884
Hey, I just realized the docs don't have a screenshot of count-loc in action. Would it be okay to drop in this one @high-energy-55500 as an example?
sure, don’t think there should be any problem
πŸ‘ 2
Keep in mind that this isn't Pants rendering the count, it's the underlying code counting tool, scc
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But still cool
Copy code
(remit) nate@Nates-MacBook-Pro remit-srv % ./pants count-loc ::
Language                 Files     Lines   Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
Python                    2327    417481    29322     26853   361306      12692
HTML                       289     12904     1649        37    11218          0
JavaScript                  42      5328      497       253     4578         86
JSON                        26     29657       58         0    29599          0
CSV                         18      3185        0         0     3185          0
Plain Text                  12      2686      119         0     2567          0
XML                          9       331        1         0      330          0
YAML                         3        74        3        10       61          0
CSS                          2       136       14        37       85          0
BASH                         1        23        4         5       14          0
Mako                         1        51        9         0       42          4
SQL                          1       252        0        61      191          2
SVG                          1        26        0         0       26          0
Shell                        1        98        5        62       31          1
Web Services Descri…         1      4562       11         0     4551          0
Total                     2734    476794    31692     27318   417784      12785
Estimated Cost to Develop $15,261,412
Estimated Schedule Effort 43.217214 months
Estimated People Required 41.830456
I'm amused that scc posits that fractional people are a thing. Hee.