Hi all, hopefully this is a dumb question! I'm hav...
# general
Hi all, hopefully this is a dumb question! I'm having trouble with a simple example of importing a JSON file defined in a
rule into a test. I'll post the code and test output in the thread, but
pkgutil.get_data("util", "test.json")
always returns
. A related question... • Is there a better way to debug whether the file is included in the package other than inferring from the output of
pants peek
? Thanks!
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☁  python [main] ⚡  tree
├── Dockerfile
├── pants
├── pants.toml
├── requirements.txt
└── util
    ├── BUILD
    ├── convert.py
    ├── convert_test.py
    └── test.json
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☁  python [main] ⚡  bat util/BUILD     
       │ File: util/BUILD
   1   │ python_sources()
   2   │ 
   3   │ python_test(
   4   │     name="convert_test",
   5   │     source="convert_test.py",
   6   │     dependencies=[
   7   │         ":test_data",
   8   │     ],
   9   │ )
  10   │ 
  11   │ resource(
  12   │     name="test_data",
  13   │     source="test.json",
  14   │ )
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☁  python [main] ⚡  bat util/convert_test.py 
       │ File: util/convert_test.py
   1   │ import json
   2   │ import pytest
   3   │ import pkgutil
   4   │ 
   5   │ from util.convert import core_to_paper
   6   │ 
   7   │ def test_core_to_paper_succeeds() -> None:
   8   │     data = pkgutil.get_data("util", "test.json")
   9   │     assert data is not None
  10   │     paper = core_to_paper(json.loads(data.decode("utf-8")))
  11   │     assert True
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=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_________________________ test_core_to_paper_succeeds __________________________

    def test_core_to_paper_succeeds() -> None:
        data = pkgutil.get_data("util", "test.json")
>       assert data is not None
E       assert None is not None

util/convert_test.py:9: AssertionError
---- generated xml file: /tmp/process-executionyBiOiy/util.convert_test.xml ----
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED util/convert_test.py::test_core_to_paper_succeeds - assert None is not...
============================== 1 failed in 0.09s ===============================
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☁  python [main] ⚡ ./pants peek //util:convert_test
02:08:08.01 [INFO] Initializing scheduler...
02:08:08.13 [INFO] Scheduler initialized.
    "address": "util:convert_test",
    "target_type": "python_test",
    "dependencies": [
    "dependencies_raw": [
    "description": null,
    "experimental_resolve": null,
    "extra_env_vars": null,
    "interpreter_constraints": null,
    "runtime_package_dependencies": null,
    "skip_black": false,
    "skip_tests": false,
    "source_raw": "convert_test.py",
    "sources": [
    "tags": null,
    "timeout": null
☁  python [main] ⚡ ./pants peek //util:test_data  
02:08:25.86 [INFO] Initializing scheduler...
02:08:25.99 [INFO] Scheduler initialized.
    "address": "util:test_data",
    "target_type": "resource",
    "dependencies": [],
    "dependencies_raw": null,
    "description": null,
    "source_raw": "test.json",
    "sources": [
    "tags": null
I think you need to add an empty
to work here (see last sentences): https://docs.python.org/3/library/pkgutil.html#pkgutil.get_data
On the related question, try `./pants filedeps //util:convert_test`: https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/reference-filedeps
yes adding
fixed it, thank you! and great I'll take a look at filedeps
not a huge deal, but when I run
the .json file is not included, even though it seems like it might be based on the wording in the docs. Is that the expected behavior?
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☁  python [main] ⚡ './pants filedeps //util:convert_test'
03:34:13.84 [INFO] Initializing scheduler...
03:34:13.98 [INFO] Scheduler initialized.
Did you try
- it is one level of indirection away in the
nice thank you transitive shows what I'd expect 🙏