are the default source patterns extensible globall...
# general
are the default source patterns extensible globally? I want to make
globally a
and not a
maybe something like
Copy code
python_sources += ['!']
python_test_utils += ['']
and if not, is this easily done via a plugin?
the downside is that rather than
you’d need to use the macro, since we don’t support shadowing existing symbols (afaik)
yeah, considered that, and will probably go that way but... • I've already once gone and retrospectively macroed a load of things, and that was !fun. • You can't access the defaults in a macro • my macros are already a mess. • I kinda don't like writing macros because they're unlintable, and the limitations on what you can/can't do in them is 😬
macros very quickly became "oh I'll just do that in a macro" to "oh why did I do that in a macro"
yea, all very good points.
this probably relates to then. Although in many cases we do have capital-O Options for things like this, the ability to adjust defaults in a minimally boilerplatey but still obvious way is an open question