Is there a way to un-set environment variables? I ...
# general
Is there a way to un-set environment variables? I have one set in my pants.toml that I need to unset in a CI configuration.
can set more variables, but I can't seem to find a way to un-set them.
Does it have to “not exist”, rather than being just empty?
is a list option so the remove notation described at should allow you to delete the variable from extra_env_vars
I assume you have a separate config file that is loaded in CI?
(which is a common pattern in any event)
yeah it has to not exist
@fast-nail-55400 that didn't occur to me, thanks
👍 1
and if you have a CI-specific config file, you can also just set the exact set of env vars you need for CI (vs using the remove notation)
👍 1