I have another pants+django mystery I could use so...
# general
I have another pants+django mystery I could use some help with– I can't figure out why my test database is not being created on test runs. With our non-pants stack we get
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
and a working database. When running the same tests with pants, the django testing framework does not appear to create the test database. Am I missing something obvious here?
have you tried debugging inside of the sandbox to see if you get any interesting info? https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/troubleshooting#debug-tip-inspect-the-sandbox-with---no-process-execution-local-cleanup
Hmm that does work for us internally
How are you running things in your non-Pants stack?
I think you'll need to use the pytest-django pytest plugin , if you're not already
yeah I just noticed that plugin is not getting loaded either
our current approach is, how do you say, complicated
i am considering trying to just get it working with plain pytest first before trying to move to pants
We use pytest-django plugin. We put this in pants.toml:
Copy code
execution_slot_var = "PANTS_PROCESS_EXECUTION_SLOT"
extra_requirements = [
The other important piece is conftest.py
Copy code
import importlib.util
import os

import pytest

def _set_suffix_to_test_databases(suffix):
    from django.conf import settings

    for db_settings in settings.DATABASES.values():
        db_settings.setdefault("TEST", {})
        db_settings["TEST"]["NAME"] = "test_dealroom_{}".format(suffix)

def pytest_cmdline_preparse(args):
    if importlib.util.find_spec("clofo.dealroom.dealroom") is not None:
        args[:] = args + ["--reuse-db"]

def pytest_configure(config):
    if importlib.util.find_spec("clofo.dealroom.dealroom") is not None:
        from django.conf import settings

        os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "clofo.dealroom.dealroom.pytest_settings"
This is using
that are provided by
package to bootstrap one database per process execution slot.
thing is to avoid running this code if we aren't actually testing anything related to our django app
For context - the "process execution slot" is to allow you to run tests concurrently without them trying to hit the same db.
i am considering trying to just get it working with plain pytest first before trying to move to pants
@loud-laptop-17949 you can use
./pants peek
to incrementally port your test suite to Pants https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/existing-repositories#3-set-up-tests