Is there a way to have target local pylint/mypy ar...
# general
Is there a way to have target local pylint/mypy arguments? For example, I want my core projects to have extremely strict lint and type checking requirements, while allowing things to be a bit looser in leaf projects?
I think not, but @hundreds-father-404 would know best
It looks I can do package-level configuration of mypy, I can’t seem to do it with pylint. Maybe I just need to not use pylint 🙂
How are you doing that? With package-level mypy.conf?
This does seem like useful functionality to have, after Eric weighs in maybe a feature request would make sense
There may already be a way to do this that I'm missing
It seems like mypy supports through patterns: and flake8 through per-file ignores: I haven’t tested this yet.