Howdy. I'm trying to run pants 2.8.0 with `interpr...
# general
Howdy. I'm trying to run pants 2.8.0 with
interpreter_constraints = ["CPython==3.10.*"]
. I'm on ubuntu 18.04 (bionic) and my python3.10 binary is from the deadsnakes ppa. This is what I get:
ProcessExecutionFailure: Process 'Find interpreter for constraints: CPython==3.10.*' failed with exit code 102.
Could not find a compatible interpreter.
Examined the following interpreters:
1.) /usr/bin/python2.7 CPython==2.7.17
2.) /usr/bin/python3.6 CPython==3.6.9
3.) /usr/bin/python3.8 CPython==3.8.0
4.) /usr/bin/python3.9 CPython==3.9.9
(That 3.9.9 version is from deadsnakes as well. If I specify CPython==3.9.*, it's picked up and everything's fine). So, is my python3.10 installation broken somehow, or not supported?
What is the path to that 3.10 interpreter? And what is the search path set to in
? From that output, it seems like Pants did not even find the
/usr/bin/python3.10, and the current pants.toml is a stripped down one that doesn't specify interpreter_search_paths. I had one that specified
["<PYENV>", "/usr/local/bin", "/usr/bin"]
earlier. Same effect.
Pants 2.8.0 uses Pex 2.1.54 (2.8.0rc2 had the upgrade cherry pick). Pex 2.1.55 is the first release with official Python 3.10 support: I'm surprised Pex 2.1.54 is failing to identify a python 3.10 interpreter, but even if that worked, later use to build wheels from sdists would have failed anyhow (This vendored setuptools patch was needed:
So, short answer, is this is a no go on 2.8.0. I can work on a Pex upgrade cherry-pick though for 2.8.1rc2 though later today if this is critical to have before 2.9.0 (we just released 2.9.0rc0).
An rc is ok for me. But I just changed to
pants_version = "2.9.0rc0"
, and I get the same thing. I suppose there's something specific going on with my setup.
These deadsnakes python versions are newly installed, and haven't seen any real use yet. This is a build server with lots of stuff installed, so there are opportunities for things to go wrong.
Oh. I'm playing around in the process-execution directory, and I've discovered something interesting.
python3 ./pex --interpreter-constraint $'CPython==3.10.*' -- -c 'print(42)'
gives the familiar constraint failure, but if I specifically invoke python3.10, that is:
python3.10 ./pex --interpreter-constraint $'CPython==3.10.*' -- -c 'print(42)'
, that works!
Do the dead snakes pythons rely on a custom LD_LIBRARY_PATH per chance?
Likely more on point, what exact packages do you install from deadsnakes? Reading here: it looks like Debian-style "many packages composing a full install" is maintained. You may need the -distutils and -venv packages too.
I'll see if I can repro this in a Bionic container here in a bit.
I don't believe there's any LD_LIBRARY_PATH trickery going on with the deadsnakes packages. The packages I installed initially are python3.10 and python3.10-venv (which also pulls in python3.10-distutils). I didn't have python3-distlib initially, but now I do.
I've started on a Dockerfile to reproduce this myself, so you may want to hold off on that.
All right. So the official ubuntu:18.04 image has the same problem.
I repro:
Copy code
$ cat Dockerfile 
FROM ubuntu:18.04

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y software-properties-common && \
    add-apt-repository -y ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y \
    curl \
    python \
    python-dev \
    python3.8 \
    python3.8-dev \
    python3.8-venv \
    python3.8-distutils \
    python3.9 \
    python3.9-dev \
    python3.9-venv \
    python3.9-distutils \
    python3.10 \
    python3.10-dev \
    python3.10-venv \

$ docker build -t bionic:deadsnakes-310 .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  2.048kB
Step 1/3 : FROM ubuntu:18.04
 ---> 5a214d77f5d7
Step 2/3 : RUN apt-get update &&     apt-get install -y software-properties-common &&     add-apt-repository -y ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
 ---> Using cache
 ---> b1b5a578052e
Step 3/3 : RUN apt-get update &&     apt-get install -y     curl     python     python-dev     python3.8     python3.8-dev     python3.8-venv     python3.8-distutils     python3.9     python3.9-dev     python3.9-venv     python3.9-distutils     python3.10     python3.10-dev     python3.10-venv     python3.10-distutils
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 29464760100f
Successfully built 29464760100f
Successfully tagged bionic:deadsnakes-310
$ docker run --rm -it bionic:deadsnakes-310 bash -i
root@f4f52262c693:/# curl -sSL <> > pex-2.1.56 
root@f4f52262c693:/# chmod +x pex-2.1.56 
root@f4f52262c693:/# ./pex-2.1.56 --interpreter-constraint "==3.11.*"         
Could not find a compatible interpreter.

Examined the following interpreters:
1.) /usr/bin/python2.7 CPython==2.7.17
2.) /usr/bin/python3.6 CPython==3.6.9
3.) /usr/bin/python3.8 CPython==3.8.12
4.) /usr/bin/python3.9 CPython==3.9.9

No interpreter compatible with the requested constraints was found:
  Version matches ==3.11.*
I'll dig here a bit. Thanks for the data @billions-spring-9652.
Yeah - somehow Pex is not seeing that interpreter on the $PATH even though it is:
Copy code
root@f4f52262c693:/# rm -rf ~/.pex/
root@f4f52262c693:/# ./pex-2.1.56 -vvvvvvvvvv --interpreter-constraint "==3.11.*"
pex: Spawning a maximum of 16 parallel jobs to process:
pex: Hashing pex: 20.0ms
You've got 3.11 in there though.
Yeah - I was smoking out the full list by asking Pex for something I know doesn;t exist.
ah, I see
Pex finds 3.10 in GH actions CI ... so this will be interesting.
It'll be one of those debian python packaging weirdnesses, I guess.
We'll see. Follow along here:
All right. Thanks for helping me out.
It ... its embarrassing. A fix for this will make it into 2.9.0rc1.
Hehe, ok 🙂