Hi Pants community! 2021 was another massive yea...
# general
Hi Pants community! 2021 was another massive year for the project, even as the pandemic continued to disrupt our lives in so many challenging ways. We grew our Python user base significantly, engaged in critical developer relations efforts, gained new community members, including several new maintainers and contributors, and added support for new languages and frameworks, including Shell, Go, Java, Scala and Docker. 2022 will be another busy year, in which we plan to continue to grow the user community, add further language support, and improve performance. Thanks to all who contributed this past year, whether by patches, documentation, community building, bug reports or feature suggestions. And to the many new teams who adopted Pants this year - thanks for your faith in the project, and my apologies for any bumps in the road. Your feedback allows us to continue to develop and improve the system. Our goal continues to be to create the best build system, with the most supportive community, out there. Your help is crucial in realizing that goal! I hope you all remain safe through this latest pandemic surge. Happy new year!
👖 7
🎉 6
❤️ 6
🚀 8
Happy new year! 🎉