another question regarding the future experimental...
# general
another question regarding the future experimental JVM support in 2.9.0. Having the Google Java Formatter and ScalaFMT backends configured in `pants.toml`(in addition to the ones to regarding other languages). When running
./pants lint ::
I don’t see the JVM ones giving any results but if I run
./pants fmt ::
then they are invoked. Is this intended? Example of
./pants lint ::
Copy code
09:42:27.94 [INFO] Initializing scheduler...
09:42:28.40 [INFO] Scheduler initialized.
09:42:31.48 [INFO] Completed: Lint with shfmt - shfmt succeeded.
09:42:31.48 [INFO] Completed: Lint with gofmt - gofmt succeeded.
09:42:31.80 [INFO] Completed: Lint with Shellcheck - Shellcheck succeeded.
09:42:40.28 [INFO] Completed: Lint with Hadolint - hadolint succeeded.
09:42:40.81 [INFO] Completed: Lint with docformatter - Docformatter succeeded.
09:42:41.35 [INFO] Completed: Lint with isort - isort succeeded.
09:42:43.11 [INFO] Completed: Lint with Black - Black succeeded.
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
15 files would be left unchanged.

09:42:48.36 [INFO] Completed: Building flake8.pex from 3rdparty/python/flake8.lock
09:42:49.74 [INFO] Completed: Lint with Flake8 - Flake8 succeeded.

✓ Black succeeded.
✓ Docformatter succeeded.
✓ Flake8 succeeded.
✓ Shellcheck succeeded.
✓ gofmt succeeded.
✓ hadolint succeeded.
✓ isort succeeded.
✓ shfmt succeeded.
Example of
./pants fmt ::
Copy code
09:43:04.21 [INFO] Completed: Format with gofmt - gofmt made no changes.
09:43:04.22 [INFO] Completed: Format with shfmt - shfmt made no changes.
09:43:05.69 [INFO] Completed: Format with Google Java Format - Google Java Format made no changes.
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by$CommentSavingTokenizer (file:/private/var/folders/c9/5v4gbjh17w9_vy73fc90fnch0000gn/T/.tmpIag3cM/4709a472310186fc49e11bd6e6834da83cb4ab66c4d9fb94408faf6702e354dd/ to field
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of$CommentSavingTokenizer
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release

09:43:07.14 [INFO] Completed: Format with Black - Black made no changes.
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
15 files left unchanged.

09:43:07.64 [INFO] Completed: Format with docformatter - Docformatter made no changes.
09:43:08.79 [INFO] Completed: Format with isort - isort made no changes.
09:43:21.88 [INFO] Completed: Format with scalafmt - scalafmt made no changes.
        Output from `scalafmt` on 1443 files (.scalafmt.conf):
Reformatting... (1.39 %, 20 / 1443)

Reformatting... (6.72 %, 97 / 1443)

Reformatting... (14.35 %, 207 / 1443)

Reformatting... (23.63 %, 341 / 1443)

Reformatting... (33.47 %, 483 / 1443)

Reformatting... (46.08 %, 665 / 1443)

Reformatting... (58.07 %, 838 / 1443)

Reformatting... (67.78 %, 978 / 1443)

Reformatting... (80.39 %, 1160 / 1443)

Reformatting... (93.00 %, 1342 / 1443)

Reformatting... (99.79 %, 1440 / 1443)


✓ Black made no changes.
✓ Docformatter made no changes.
✓ Google Java Format made no changes.
✓ gofmt made no changes.
✓ isort made no changes.
✓ scalafmt made no changes.
✓ shfmt made no changes.
You can also see in the last one the warning from JVM regarding the reflective access too (not the same I mentioned yesterday, as that was when running some tests, but also something that may need it’s own JVM flags)
Oh lol. Oops. We didn't hook up the
to register our implementation with the plugin hook. Fixing now. Thanks!!
thanks Eric!
and regarding the reflective access and output: and are about cleaning those up. sorry for the trouble!
we should cherry-pick, but i think that the cosmetic issues will have to come in followup
…actually. i’ll bang out since we’re going to have an RC anyway.
great, many thanks to you guys, really good work
❤️ 1