Hi Pants team and users. Been working with Pants f...
# general
Hi Pants team and users. Been working with Pants for a week or so now to bring a decently sized monorepo into a more scalable place. We started with Bazel and found it far too prohibitive to work at this time. Pants has been much better and the docs are much easier to follow! I did have one small question about
(I'm working with protobufs). I can happily generate code for cases where I point to a specific target (e.g.
./pants export-codegen some/path
) but I was wondering how I can generate everything under a certain subdirectory. I've seen
./pants export-codegen ::
for everything in the workspace, but I was hoping to go more incrementally as I update paths and such to get things working.
👋 1
Hey Nathanael, welcome! Glad to have you here. Also https://www.astranis.com looks so cool 🌌 You should be able to do
./pants export-codegen some/path::
. That works in general, like
./pants test some/path::
Ugh, I thought I tried that 🤦 . Thanks, that's working great.
🙌 1
Welcome to Pants community @high-yak-85899! Glad your first question was so easy for us to solve. 🙂 Would it be okay to tweet "We started with Bazel and found it far too prohibitive to work at this time. Pants has been much better and the docs are much easier to follow!", with or without attribution (whichever you prefer), from the Pants account? Your experience is such a common one.
Sure, I'll DM you
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