is anybody using pants with a golang mono repo, or...
# general
is anybody using pants with a golang mono repo, or should i avoid it until it comes out of experimental stage?
Hey! We have been migrating to it, the team here has been super helpful getting any roadblock out of the way. Hopefully we cleared out everything for your usecase. You probably should give it a try and see how it goes - will be really valuable for the community
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@loud-laptop-17949 has also been trying it out. Their main challenge was getting third-party dependencies to play nicely, which resulted in 2.10.dev1+ redesigning how we do things internally. +1 to Nicolas's point that we are eager to keep improving Go and help if you do run into any issues 🙂 As mentioned in, we tried to put particular focus on it being easy/quick to adopt so that you can prototype without a big commitment
👍 1
yeah and once I get time I will try out the new stuff!