Is there any way to refer to a target relative to ...
# general
Is there any way to refer to a target relative to the current path (and just going further in the tree, not walking back up)? If the target I'm interested in doesn't live in the current directory, it seems like I'm forced to specify the target path relative the repo root.
in a BUILD file? Yeah, unfortunately there isn't any relative path syntax (yet?)
👍 1
Yeah this is bit of gotcha for new people. Mostly you just add stuff relative to current directory and then you have this special case.
It seems a little antipattern to one build file per directory. It's prohibitive to spell out long structures each time when I'm already 70% of the way down. Hopefully support comes for it soon! My use case is mostly specifying testdata which has me putting the file includes in a BUILD file one directory higher rather than directly in my testdata directories.